Chapter 12.

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After sneaking into my house to grab things for me to be able to hide out with Louis (clothes, shampoo, my camera, DVDs, etc..), we arrived at his place, ready to pig out on junk food and fall asleep together merrily.

Couple goals, am I right?

Louis didn't seem to be as messy as he prescribed himself to be; he cleaned up when needed to and kept things neat. Maybe he was making an effort to stay tidy knowing that a girl was in the midst of his home. I actually liked staying with him though, he was so warm (despite his freezing skin, which I had gotten used to) and cuddly and he seemed to enjoy my presence. He'd do the sweetest and cutest things for me that made my heart spin in a good way.

I had to admit, I wouldn't mind living with him. It pained me to know that at one point I'd have to come home to my screaming mother, where maybe there was someone who wouldn't hear her from 50 miles away. There's not much she can do though, knowing that I'm 18 will be my only reasonable excuse for her not to lock me in my room.

One Sunday morning I was having one of those weird dreams that you cease to remember when you wake up, when I could hear my phone ringing non-stop in the distance. I concentrated on sleeping, but the phone kept getting louder and ringing, and ringing, and ringing. My eyes snapped open. Louis had me locked tight against his chest, making it very hard to move. Finally my hand broke free and I seized the annoying object.

"Whatd'yawantimtryingtosleep," I said in a groggy whisper.

"Hm, well that was definitely not the tone I was expecting from my best friend. I'm hurt, Emerson."


"Yes! I'm back from my honeymoon! It was amazing- the beach was so serene and there was this one guy who-"

I stopped her before she could begin. "Okay, cool. Is that all you wanted to say? Because I'd like to get back to sleep if that's okay with you."

"Ugh, I forgot how moody you are in the morning. And no, the real reason I called was to ask about how you and Louis are doing."

"We're amazing. We just got back from Mount Rushmore on our honeymoon, Louis slipped on a banana and I died from laughing. Why?"

"Can you stop with the sarcasm please?"

"Fine. We are okay, why do you need to know this information at such an early hour?" I said, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"Because, well... now that we're back, I've missed you and Miles and I- well mostly me -thought it'd be nice if we went out together on Friday like as a-"

"No. Absolutely not."

Beth groaned. "Ugh, come on, Em! It'll be fun! We haven't seen each other in forever! Plus, I want to meet your hunky English boyfriend."

I sat up, making Louis stir a bit but he stayed asleep. "Might I bring up the debacle of our last double date when I was dating Ted??"

She sighed. "Miles knew you'd bring this up. Get over it, Emerson. You and Ted aren't dating anymore, what's the big deal?"

"It's not even that, it's also the fact that double dates are cliche and annoying. Another thing- you're married! Don't you think that will kind of put Louis on the spot?"

"What, do you think we're going to be shoving pictures of the wedding in his face?? We'll be good, I promise. Don't make a final decision yet- talk it over with Louis."

I sighed. "Fine. There's one more thing I need to talk about with you." I glanced at Louis, who was sound asleep, breathing lightly from his nose. I carefully got up and arranged a pillow where I was, hoping he wouldn't know the difference in his unconsciousness. I got up and made my way to the bathroom.

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