The Hermit Village

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In the woods where the elemedians and their new acquittance of there had joined them to go over to Ubbinfalls, a town full of many elemedians that were taken away from their homelands back in Bernecco and got teleported to Earth with the use of Rhazien'sportal technology. By the time they are in Ubbinfalls, every one of them has been renovating every dark abandoned building to make it a lot like their town they remember it back in their homes, but during the terraforming, a lot of the foliage has been growing across town and many more elemental monsters have been appearing to live amongst them and they seem not to get aggressive with them when they go near each other. Corrine seems too eager to look forward to going over to the town in person if they have any space for her to live in as she was an earth elemedian due to her size being extra large and she doesn't doubt if there are any other species of elemedians that are like her who is as big as her and maybe they will find a good home for her.

Before the whole group was taking the path back to Ubbinfalls Sun sprite was acting all alarmed and was staring in the direction away from the group, Devin andZapsoss were both seeing some movements from across the trees and hear some marching steps and vehicles running then Takisha realizes there are humans nearby and they have to dive for cover. Horace took out his cell phone and quietly ask it who are those and his cell phone got the results as they were elemedians showing him several different species from the results and the whole group had realized in a flash those were elemedians all along and they saw the logo on one of the land vehicles and it was indeed the Galactic Terror Star Command drifting out somewhere to cause more destruction to the humans or something? They must act quickly and follow their trails to see where they are going next and what's their next dirty mission?

They all followed the Galactic Terror Star's land vehicles and Horace who is well aware of the mirrors on the driver's side and the front passenger seat will have to keep themselves hidden from being seen from the mirrors and they will sound the alarm to the general. They seemed too busy to keep their eyes on the road and going on slow speed to prevent from bumping into the army of men and their elemental monsters who were marching along them weren't aware they are being followed by Horace's group. Rhazien, Anson, Crimson spellcaster, and even Indigo archer, who is the new general of their team to lead her army of archers along with her teams' armies. Golden halberd was behind them and his size can help him see how far he and the army are away from the hermit village and gave Anson how far they are from the village and Anson was delighted to get the news and then orders everyone to pick up the paste to speed up the movements and get this marching done with so he will not be losing his patient in a slow paste they're in. 

Horace and his friends, including Corrine have to pick up the paste of their movements to catch up to the army, but the army was small enough for them to fight them when they confront the generals, but for Keon and Devin, they caught about a lot of elemental monsters who will help assist them in fighting off their men when they reach the village they are heading to. Keon took out his duskican to have it follow where the Galactic Terror Star Command is heading to as it took to the skies to watch from above them and it caught sight of the village where there have been many hermit humans who have nowhere else to live to and were choosing to live in the woods.

The whole group kept following the elemedians for twenty minutes before they stopped and watched many of their men started lighting some torches that were made for throwing and to start a fire for the first attack on the village. One of them had flare guns that are made for range fire attacks on the village just to get their attack started. Many hermit humans were not aware they were about to be under attack by the Galactic Terror Star Command as the men with flare guns began launching their fire range attack and the ones with torches too had thrown the torches to the most flammable spot to get the fire started before one of the hermit humans saw the elemedians with their melee weapons, the common bullies gone after them as the screams and panic starts rising in a beginning and the elemental monsters of theirs will get them surrounded to prevent them from fleeing the village.

The common bullies and tough thugs, including brute raiders and grim caps, begins their carnages on the strongest ones they can find as one of the hermit humans had firearms and begin opening fire as one of the elemental monsters of theirs was a tegulf and more than three restrained the armed man before getting beaten to death by the brute raiders while the rest rounds up the remains in this village. Several of Rhazien's men got their land vehicles ready as their elemental monsters, the tegulves use their hypnosis to put them to sleep and load them onto the land vehicles of theirs that will transport them to the base without any one of them witnessing the event. Horace and his friends are seeing everything that the Galactic Terror Star Command is doing to these humans and he had enough with this mess and doesn't want to see another human being killed by someone like them and he got up and confront them, but Anson who was busy ordering his common bullies to round up the weakest humans they can find among this village.

Several brute raiders have broken into one of their wooden homes and got them captured and wrapped their heads with blind covers to prevent them from seeing where they are going to be taken to. Horace finally confronts Anson who is watching the brute raiders round up several residents in the houses and loading them onto their land vehicles before Horace reaches out to Anson.

Horace: *To Anson* You there! You must be the friend of Rhazien, are you? The one who has deceived me and my two friends back in Berencco.

Anson: *Snickering* Well if it isn't the brat boy, Rhazien has been telling me about you, eh? You seem to make my partner and I laugh.

Horace: I don't ever consider making up gags to bust some guts. What you and your men are doing is madness! We believed you brought these predatory elemental monsters to kill these humans and you seem to build some technology to manipulate and programmed their minds to kill humans.

Anson: *Mockery cackle* Oh, you dream too much, boy. You dream too much. If Rhazien ever considers inventing such an efficient technology that resolute such unwanted tools that ever failed our attempts in getting to such absolute chaos from those murder cases we have been hearing. *Sarcastic empathy* Such tragedies they have to bear.

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