What your family was known for or did as a profession

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"A magnetic personality doesn't necessarily indicate a good heart."

Tanjiro - The Ice Hashira

Your family was known for fishing, that's right fishing. Your family always had the greatest luck in town so therefore they would always end up we 3-5 giant fishes and a ton of other smaller fish. Your family then would sell them and make profit. You have learned to fish and you do know how to sale. Since you know how to fish that's why your blades are connected by a chain making it easy to swing around and throw.

Zenitsu - The Cloud Hashira

Your family was known for the kimonos they made. They would be beautiful detailed down to every last stitch. You've made your fair share of them and have pricked your fingers more times then you can count but every kimono always came out beautiful. Most were made with fine silk and others regular cloth, your family did sell them and make lots of money.

Giyuu - The Phantom Hashira

Surprisingly enough your family were farmers. They tended to the rice fields. You'd always go out there with your family and look at the growth of them. You also learned how to become one with water (girl idk just go with). And if you think your family were the workers ohhhh think again, they owned the rice fields thousands of acres filled with rice fields. Your family's rice company was well known and the most bought out of any other rice company. (Money comes easy 🤑)

Rengoku - The Floral Hashira

Your family were known for making furniture. Like from hand and even cutting down the bamboo and wood. The very first thing you learned to make was a chair made out of bamboo at age 5, impressive right. Your family owned a shop where they would sell the pieces. Your family didn't just make furniture they also repaired it too. They would go to peoples houses and fix it in a matter of minutes, it always amazed you at how fast they were at doing their job.

Shinobu - The Moon Hashira

Believe it or not, your family was know for their beautiful jade sculpting. Your family had made things as big as statuses for people's houses and as small as a tiny jade hair clip for a baby. So yes as you can imagine, your family was rich. Some projects would take days or even months but they always succeed beyond the customers expectancies.

Tengen - The Beauty Hashira

Your family was known for their beautiful children (yup that's you shawty). They also were one of those people that would get the women dressed up and put makeup on them so they can meet their suitor. Many families wanted their children to marry you or even your younger and older siblings. You parents looked beautiful, as if they were dolls so that's why they had beautiful children.

Yushiro - Jellyfish Demon

Now for you, your family owned many many many companies in England, yup your a European. Your family had always been offered many deals from big time companies but only very few were actually accepted. The deals were usually proposed to your parents during balls. You always remembered you and your siblings had to go find someone to "hang out with" during the time they were making deals. So you and your siblings often went to your suitors and their families during the ball.

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