Chapter 1

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Once Upon a Time, in a Kingdom Far Far Away...

There was a young man, only 18 years old. He became King after his father passed away unexpectedly. His name was Draco Lucius Malfoy.

And he was alone. His mother, Narcissa, died when he was a young child, he had no siblings, his father had never remarried. He had no family around. Some were estranged, other disowned. His father, The Great Lucius Abraxas Malfoy, taught him to never trust the servants, never to trust the advisors and ministers, that they would only want to take advantage of him.

But he did not want to be alone, he wanted to be loved by his people, his subjects; he wanted to trust the servants; he wanted to trust his Counsel. Draco decided to start by the Counsel. He observed how they dealt with the requests of the citizens and how they honoured the ounce of authority their king had bestowed upon them.

One of the men that displeased him with his choices was Jonathan Granger, also known as the Muggle. He had made the Crown lose money and win nothing. Such a terrible choice. Maybe the old king had been right, kind smiles hid bad intentions. The Muggle was always gentle with Draco, he was not patronizing like some of the other ministers, but it seems he was heedless with his decisions.

Draco had no other choice. "I have no other alternative, Muggle. Your crimes against the crown are punishable by death." The young king said, his voice solemn.

"My lord, please, please have mercy. I have a daughter who depends on me." The muggle begged on his knees, looking up at his sovereign.

Draco looked at the older man. And he could not stop himself from feeling sympathy. Jonathan Granger had always been thoughtful and affectionate to the young king when he was younger. He had been the one who taught Draco how to ride a horse and how to care for one. Versailles was still alive, living an unconcerned equine life on the stables and gardens of the palace.

"Because I appreciated your companionship and tutelage when I was a child, I will give you one more chance, Muggle."

"Anything, my lord," Jonathan said, still prostrated at his king's feet.

"You have spoken of your daughter, have you not, Sir Granger?" The Muggle nodded, placing one hand over his heart. "Your future is in the hands of your daughter, your only hope is that she's wiser than her old father."

Jonathan Granger nodded "You would not hurt her, my lord, would you?" The man inquired.

Draco pondered his question, his only intent on making the man suffer as he waited for the monarch's answer. He would not raise a finger at the girl, just because she was the Muggle's daughter. "My aim will never be that, Muggle. Are you ready for the riddle?"

Jonathan Granger sighed in relief. He would endure anything, as long as his little girl was safe.

"She shall come to the palace, neither during the day nor the night, neither naked nor clothed, neither walking nor riding, neither on the road nor off it. I will be waiting for your wise daughter. Do you trust her to earn your forgiveness, Muggle?"

"With all my heart, my lord!" The man said and was dismissed with a hand gesture from his king.


Hermione Granger, the Muggle's daughter, was worried. Very very worried. Her father had not arrived home. Dinner was forgotten, her studies were forgotten. She just paced, waiting for her father. She could not lose him too. Her mother died when she was six, during childbirth. She had no siblings. It was only her and her father. How could she ever live without him?

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