{5 Finally meeting Loki}

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"Hello again my pet can never say away can you always coming back for more huh?"

"Leave me alone Loki god damn it you won't be happy when your brother and I come find you and trap and you would have me to listen to." I snapped my hair going blue. Loki pounced on me his skin completely blue and his eyes red.

"What the no it can't be!" I was in shock and backed up quickly away from Loki

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"What the no it can't be!" I was in shock and backed up quickly away from Loki. A frost giant a FUCKING FROST GIANT! Thor excepts me to be able to trap a frost giant of Jotunheim the birth son of Laufey the king of Jotunhiem. The frost giants are meant to be all dead the war between Laufey and Odin destroyed Jotunhiem but all the was left was an innocent blue little baby.

"You were that baby! The one that was left behind after the huge ass war against Asgard and Jotunhiem. But the baby was innocent there's no way you were the baby!" I was in awe. I suddenly realized that I was meant to be a demi god but there is no Greek demi gods only Norse gods. NO he can't be my soulmate I don't even have a soul since my father is Hades. I jolted up from the bed just as Thor came into the room.

"My lady Heimdall has a lead on my brother." Thor smiled. How am I supposed to tell him that his brother is meant to be my soulmate.

"Can you give me a moment before we go a moment to myself for a bit I got to talk to my dad he gave me something so that I can summon him here if I did him." I explained. Thor nods his head and went out of my room and I made room for my father to appear and some extra room if he brings my mother which I hope he does and Cerberus. I press onto the bracelet thing and sadly only my father appeared he didn't even bring Cerberus with him which made me sad.

"Hey hun you okay?" My dad asked pulling me into a hug tight enough to nearly crush my air ways. I play with my thumbs which I would when I was scared to tell my dad.

"Uh dad is it possible for a Greek goddess able to have a Norse God as a soulmate even after the huge war?" I didn't look at my father but I could feel the heat radiating off of my dad.

"Why are you asking MEGARA Melione Rhea!" My dad snapped. I flinched away from my and pressed on the bracelet and my mom appeared. As soon as my mom appeared my dad calmed down. My dad told my mom everything but he had stayed calm and sat down beside me.

"Hades honey you knew her soulmate is meant to be a demi god and there is no Greek demi god and there is only one Norse demi god the adopted son of Odin." My mother explained. My eyes widened when my told me doomed fate of having to be with a murder for the rest of my life.

"What If I choose not to be with him what happens then?" I finally looked up at both of my parents.

"Unfortunately you will begin to only see black and white until you are with your true soulmate. I was the same until my father your grandfather Zeus allowed me to be with your father in the underworld and could see color again." My mother looked at my father and smiled. So I have to be with Loki or I would lose the ability to see color until I finally gave in and came to terms with being with a murdering God. We said our goodbyes and I gave my parents both hugs. Once my parents used their alibies to go back home Thor came back into my room.

"I couldn't help but listen in but you're meant to be my brothers soulmate but we have to trap him and bring him to the dungeons in Asgard he has to stay there for all of eternity you know that Megara ." Thor sat beside me. I frowned I don't want to trap him anymore I don't to just see black and white. I decided to just play along with the plan to trap Loki. Thor took me to where Heimdall had a lead on Loki. When we arrived I was standing face to face with my soulmate that fate just had to doom me with.

"Loki." I gasp.

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