Sad Ending

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Johnnie was laying down and I was sitting up next to him, he looked so cute I just wanted to hug him tightly and never let him go.

"Johnnieee babe you look cute," I smirked as I filmed us on snapchat, he looked up at the camera and blushed, I laughed and posted it. He sat up and scooted close to me.

"Kyle can I please tell you something." I nodded and slowly put my arm around him. I expected, "I'm in love with you!" or something like that,

"I-I like Alex but she likes someone else..." I bit my lip and looked away from him.

"Oh..." I could feel him looking up at me.

"You ok Kyle?" a few tears came out and I nodded not looking at him.

"Kyle?" he gently grabbed my chin and turned me to him and I looked down.

"What's wrong?" he asked, I just shrugged.

"N-nothing, I-I need to go to the bathroom," I got up quickly and went into the restroom and slammed the door. I sat in the corner and cried, all of our fans would always ship me and Johnnie and I don't know if he actually liked it or even actually likes me. Why would I trick myself into thinking he would like me like that, or anyone, I'm just too foolish to love anyone. I heard a knock at the door.

"Kyle you ok in there?" Johnnie asked.

"Yeah!" said Bryan. I cleared my throat,

"Yeah...I'm fine," my voice still sounding choked up.

"I think he's crying," Bryan said.

"He was tearing up just now but he said he was fine." Johnnie said. Oh Johnnie darling, I'm not fine. I hugged my knees tightly.

"Kyle can I please come in and talk to you? or you come out?" I didn't answer, I silently went over and locked the door and then sat back down. I looked at myself in the mirror and remembered all those days I've been bullied. I had people who loved me and I still felt like shit, the door knob was moving.

"Kyle please! Are you ok!?" he yelled, c'mon you idiot answer it. I looked at myself and back at the door. I listened to his voice calling for me.

"I can't take this!" I screamed, everything was building up from the years and I was about to explode.

"Kyle!!! Bryan hurry get the key before something happens!!" he yelled as he tried to get the door open. I opened his medicine cabinet and fished around for some pills, I grabbed them. Turned on the sink. And took them.

*Johnnies POV*

I jerked around the doorknob, what's he doing? This isn't happening! Bryan ran over,

"Hurry!" tears were running down my cheeks, he got the door open and it was too late, I collapsed on the floor and grabbed him.

"He's not breathing!!! call 911!!!" I was sobbing, this can't be true. I looked at his wrist and there was blood all over, I looked at the tub and the words written in his blood read:
I love you Johnnie Im sorry

I held his lifeless body close to me and caressed his hair gently.

"I love you too Kyle..." I said, with ambulance sirens in the distance, that's it, he's gone and I never got to tell him.

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