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You opened your eyes slightly before shutting them close again because of the bright light.

„Y/N! Open your eyes please"

You opened your eyes once again and forced them to stay open. Your eyes adjusted to the light. You looked around you and saw 7 worried faces. You looked confused trying to rememer who they were but couldnt remember.

„Who are you?"

„Y/n dont play with us like that" One of them laughed. You looked at him and saw that he a somewhat sad face

You thought for a moment. Not wanting to dissapoint them you said: „Yeahh sorry i was just joking" You laughed.

„Are you ok?" One said. He was the shortest from what you could see.

„Yeah im ok thanks"

„Im gonna go get the doctor for a checkup" One said. He looked young but his voice sounded a bit old.

„Yeah imma go with you so they can figure it out themselves" the tallest said.

6 of you looked at the guy who just talked. You were thinking to yourself: „How did i end up here?"

„Hey Y/n, do you want somethng to drink?" the same tall boy said.

„No thank you" You smiled. The 2 of them left the room.

„Y/n are you sure your ok?" A boy just an inch taller than the shortest one asked.

„Ofc why wouldnt I be?"

„Because you havent said our names yet." He looked at you with a sassy look.

„I..." You didnt know how to answer to that.

„Y/n, whats my name?" The shortest asked.

„It's, uhmm" You looke dat them and the 5 guys werent looking as ahppy as before. You decided to give in.

„I cant remember, im sorry" You looked down.

"What do you mean, you cant remember us?" One of them raised their voice a bit

"I- Im sorry" you started to tear up.

"Jk calm down." the shortest said with a stern voice.

"jK CAlm DOwN"He mocked the shorter one.

"Yeah yeah. Anyways, Y/n, what do you remember?"

"I remember nothing much..." You tried to think of anything that came to your mind.

"The only thing i can remember is that i was hugging someone in a room with roses"

"So nothing?" Jk Said

"Jk its enough. go outside and calm down" the one of them said (i dont know how to describe him but its Hobi sorryyyy)

"Yeah whatever. Tae you coming with me?"

"Yeah sure its a bit overwhelming for me right now" He laughed awkwardly

While they were leaving you looked around the room for a bit. It looked like a normal hospital room nothing really special. But something caught your eyes. You looked at the one who asked the other to go out, you looked at him up and down someone seem to saw it and the shortest tugged on his sleeve. The other seem to notice it too after that and hid whatever it was. The others seem to notice it too.

"Y/n." One of them grabbed your attention. 


"Want us to introduce ourselfves so you know how to call us and we arent "complete" strangers."

"That would be good thanks" You smiled

"Ok so-" His sentence was cut off by the other 2 entering the room again followed by a doctor.

"Ahhh Y/n. Good to know your awake. Could all 5 of you please leave the room while im doing the checkup?"

"Yeah sure we dont mind" The tallest said in a very conserning voice as if he wasnt sure wether to trust the doctor or not.

The 5 of them eft the room and it was olny the doctor and you left. He was comming closer to your bed, you sat up and began to feel a little bit unsure and uncomfortable. He stood right next to you and whispered: "They are dangerous, be careful." You just replied with a "Mhm" 

He looked at your blood pressure, tested your reflexes. looked into your eyes with a flashlight to see your pupils and ran some other tests. At the end he said:" Miss Y/N could you tell me something about you?"

"I am afraid, I cannot. I dont remember anything at all." You looked down again seeing the sad and dissapointed faces of the 5.

"Thats what we thought." The docotr said in a sad tone again ( IM PRETTY SURE THIS IS ONLY CHAPTER ONE AND EVERYONE IS SAD ALREADY be aware of whats gonna happen tho HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHAAH ok enough)

"What do you mean doctor?" You asked confused.

"We had the fear that you might have amnesia and that just approved our fear." 

"Im sorry but, what is amnesia?" You were confused as you didnt knew the meaning of that weird sounding word

"It means you cant remember some part of your life."

"Then how come I cant remember anything?" You raised your voice a little.

"It looks like your amnesia has hit you harder than we thought" He said in a concderning voice. "We are gonna have you stay here for about 2 to 3 more days just to make sure everything is alright. We still have to take blood from you is that alright with you?"

"i dont like needles. wether its an vaccine or to take blood samples." you gave him a disgusting look.

"Its not like your feeling anything its just a little needle?" He said laughing a little

"Yeah yeah i dont really care as long as its not hurting." You said

As he was taking some blood samples you had to be held down so he could do that without you mooving every 2 seconds. The other 5 have got their 2 friends back so theyre now 7 again waiting for the doctor to come out. (Lmao as if he was gay in a closet) The 7 saw difffrent nurses running in your room. One of them, the second shortest, held one nurse and asked what was happening and she just answered:" She wont stop moving so we have to make sure she doesnt hurt herselv or others." So the 7 had to wait more. After about 5 minutes later the doctor and 3 nurses came out and held the blood sanples. The doctor told one of the nurses to give the blood samples to the laboratory and approached the 7 waiting men. 

"How is she?" The boy who was told to calm down asked.

"She is fine but we do have to tell you something. Our fear has been confirmed. Like we told you, Sir Kim, she has amnesia. Please take things slow with her. She has to stay at least 2-3 more days here so we can see all the test results."

"A-Amnesia?" The boy with a tattoo on his neck (Iykyk) Asked in shook.

"We understand. Thank you doctor." He said nicely

"Your welcome. You can go in now" So the doctor left without saying another word.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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