Chapter 22-Etienne

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Anna stands in front of the color schemes and puts her hand on her hip. "I don't like this color." I groan. "Woman it's just YELLOW." She gestures. "EXACTLY." I groan and bang my head against the cart handle. Noah giggles and waves his fist at me. I smile. "At least you're happy unlike your mother" I say raising my voice so she can hear me. Anna glares at me. She's holding Eleanor who's finally sleeping. "At least I'm not the one who wants a GRAY BEDROOM FOR OUR CHILDREN." I wave my hand. "They'll survive." She shakes her head. "They're not even one month old. WE'RE NOT HAVING GRAY WALLPAPER." I roll my eyes. A store employee walks bye and smiles. "Can I help you?" "Yes, can you show my fiance here that GREY IS NOT A GOOD COLOR FOR A BABY'S BEDROOM." I roll my eyes. The lady turns to me. "Well, color sometimes helps them sleep better and when they have color in their bedrooms they feel loved." Anna smiles. "Thank you." The lady nods and walks off. I raise an eyebrow at Anna. "That was a bunch of shite right there." She bursts out laughing until her phone rings. "Who the.." "I bet it's my mum," I laugh. "Getting some grandma stuff in." She shakes me off. "It's my dad. I'd much rather have your mum." "Ohh Anna you're too skinny eat some more bacon." She fights hard to keep from laughing as she picks up. "Hi Dad." The smile is gone from her face. "Uh huh. Yes Dad. YES DAD I KNOW. God dad, I'm not a child anymore. Yes I know it's not easy but...oh whatever. I bet that's just some more bullshit you put in your newest bestseller." Eye roll. "Okay Dad. Uh huh. Bye." She hangs up and, since she can't break her phone, she takes a piece of paper that has a bunch of colors on it, blue and white, and chucks it at my head. It smacks my cheek. Noah squeals and waves his fist. I glare at Anna. She smiles sheepishly back. I chuck it at her and she squeals. She puts Eleanor back into her baby seat and does a war position. I laugh as she chucks paper after paper. I laugh as I dodge them. "You're picking these up not me!" She laughs and I grab the chance to chuck some more papers at her. She squeals again and runs for the door. I follow her, shaking my head. As I pass the yellow wallpaper I grin madly. I grab a bucket of it and walk over to the sales clerk. "Hello. Can I buy just this? Thank you."

Hahaha guess who hasn't updated this in like five years?
This is so bad it's so cringy lmao but I still love Anna sm that I just wanna keep writing so whoops
Hope you guys enjoy and thanks for reading!

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