The Opening Scene

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Hello, and thanks for the continued interest in my story.

As indicated by the title and description, this book will be a complications of one-shots from my main story, Revolution. They can include any characters, any interactions or themes that you'd be interested in seeing. They can be side stories or events that were mentioned in passing during the main story, stories you would like there to be more content on, or stories that are just for fun (angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, etc.).

Examples of "unheard and ignored stories": George getting attacked by Dream, Y/N's childhood, Tommy and Toby's lives before the main events of the story, Schlatt's rise to power, Lani's death

Examples of "unseen stories": Any story that hasn't been mentioned or never will be (any suggestions made by the audience!).
Genuine one-shots which can be for the sole purpose of angst, hurt/comfort, fluff, etc.

Depending on what comes from this, some of these stories could be incorporated into the main plot line, but for the most part, this is to give me more creative freedom and give my audience more varied content.


Reader Suggestions: COMMENT HERE

Retold - A Series of Unheard, Ignored & Unseen Stories - Dreamwastaken x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now