Chapter Five: Things Go

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We trudged through the forest, reaching an old road with no cars. There was a sign by the road that read:

Welcome to Newport, Alaska, Population: 964

Andy visibly paled, the early morning light making it obvious. Jason, who was taking turns with Josh to carry the unconscious Meghan, traded her off to Josh. She shivered, then snuggled into his chest, seeking warmth. Josh blushed, looking down at her and shaking his head.

"If she were to wake up like this, she would probably send me six feet under," he said.

"You better pray to Hypnos, brother," Jason stated, patting his shoulder. Gavin was trying to see if Andy was okay, he was looking genuinely concerned for her health. Will was trying to calm my breathing down, saying that I shouldn't be moving around so much and that I could reopen my wound if I wasn't careful. I only rolled my eyes at him, looking at our surroundings. There was an old truck on the side of the road, one that looked as though nothing was wrong with it. I walked over to it, followed by the rest of the group. I opened the hood, inspecting it for any damage. Nothing seemed to be wrong with it, it just needed a boost to get it started. I shut the hood, turning to the group.

"Good news!" I said optimistically. "We can use this truck to get to town! But we need a boost to get it started, and we need to push it out of this ditch."

That's how Will, Josh, Jason, and Gavin ended up pushing a truck out of a ditch. Jason jump started it with his lightning powers. I would be driving with Andy in the passenger seat, Josh and Meghan in the back seat, and the other three in the back back.

We started driving, and Andy kept looking out the window and at the others. Her anxiety was evident in the way she was acting, she obviously wasn't happy about having to go back to the state she was raised. I flicked my eyes over to her momentarily to see that she was staring at Meghan, who was currently laying with her head in Josh's lap. She looked quite peaceful in her sleep, and Josh didn't seem to mind her laying on his lap. Although a slight blush was on his cheeks. I decided to break the silence that was resting over the seven of us.

"So, Andy, do you know where we are exactly?" I questioned, earning everybody's attention.

"Yes," she said quietly, timidly. "We're in my hometown. My mom lives in a house about two miles from here."

"I thought you mom was...uh..." Gavin said, trailing off.

"She was. She got let out a month or two ago. I was afraid she'd try to find me in the orphanage so I ran away. I figured that I should come to camp, I knew I was different from everybody else. And the way that Meghan talked about it...she made it sound like the last safe haven on earth." I nodded, knowing quite well that she was watching me as I drove.
"Do you know where we're going?" Josh asked no one in general.

"I imagine my father with give us a hint when we get into town. Until then, we just need to find a place to stay. Maybe walk around in groups to see if we find anything."

"You know, there's actually an inn a few minutes from here," Andy said, sitting up in her seat. "Take the next right and go straight for a few minutes until we come to a clearing in the trees. One of my close relatives run the place. He's really bright and cheery. But he has a strange obsession with writing poetry and using it as decoration in the rooms." Hmm...

I pulled into one of the only parking spots in the small lot. We all got out of the car, and Josh put Meghan on her back, and was going to fake her being asleep. After confirming that it looked believable, enough, we walked into the inn, going straight up to the front desk, only to be met by-

"Uncle Daniel!" Andy shouted like a little girl. The man turned around, smiling so brightly that it hurt my eyes.

"Andy!" he shouted back, jumping over the desk. "How are you-" He looked at the group around her, his smile wavering. He looked at all of us with sympathetic eyes. "Ah." He reminded me so much of-

"Dad," Will whispered, his grip on my hand tightening. Wait, how long have we been holding hands for?! Ah, nevermind. He said it was his father though. I knew he reminded me of someone. Apollo's eyes met Will's then he looked down at our hands. He whispered something that I couldn't hear most of, but it sounded like something about Aphrodite and boats or something.

"Hello Will," he spoke, earning a confused look from Andy. "I suppose I should explain this, huh?" Nico nodded darkly.



I didn't upload anything last week because this chapter was so short. I'm only uploading this shitty thing because I need to tell you all something very important. I'M GOING TO BE PUTTING THIS STORY ON STANDBY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE.

I just can't focus very well on this story. I have two other stories that I'm in the process of writing at this moment, my Caleo story and my Dan Howell story, and I have been extremely focused on getting those finished. The Caleo one is going to be much long than it already is, but I'm not doing a sequel like I did for How Did I Fall For Nico di Angelo and my first Dan Howell fic. And To Have and To Hold isn't going to be too much longer, but the chapters are going to be really long, and it isn't going to have a sequel.

I also want to go back in the other two stories in this trilogy and edit them. Literally, there are a lot of things in the first book that made absolutely no sense, like Josh naming his cat what he did (which you all made me realize. Like literally, wtf was I even thinking) and so on. I believe that I have improved as an author (shockingly enough) and I have the ability to rewrite some things to make them better. Like, in the first book, it was just a shit ton of weird ass crap that didn't make any sense. Like, Amber's eyes changing color, I'll explain that later in this story, and the importance of Josh's cat. And Hunter in the last book, she is going to be very important.

So yeah. And in the case of you wondering about the whole Solangelo thing in this story, no, I do not ship it. I physically cannot ship it. I'm too hung up on Percico. Literally, I can't even ship Percale the anymore without thinking of Percico smut...*shivers inwardly* But I did include it in this story. Will is going to be mildly suggestive quite a bit (I hate the word flirting) throughout this, and in return for the long wait on chapters, I'll try to upload a few once I get this started back up again.

I will be starting this back up as soon as I am physically capable of doing, therefore I will leave you all on a positive note. HOW DID I FALL FOR NICO DI ANGELO HAS NEARLY 16K VIEWS AND OVER 600 VOTES!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF HERA HOW IS THIS EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?!?! ILYASM!!!!!

Your Truly,

Andromeda Leigh Barnett

P.S. If you guys have any suggestions or requests for how you want this trilogy (I don't plan on doing another book) to end, just comment or PM me! I have a few ideas, none of them interesting nor exciting. So yep. Byezzzzz.

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