Dear Kurt Cobain..

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Dear Kurt Cobain,

I don't know what you thought of yourself when you were alive but what I think of how you were is you were amazing ,talented , and unique. I really wish you were alive. Your band has an amazing amount of fans and it doesn't even exist anymore. I don't know which song to pick as my favorite, it's between sifting, lithium, or aneurysm. Help me choose pls. This is kind of awkward because I'm basically writing a letter to nobody. I miss you even though I didn't even exist when you passed. I wish I could've met you. I just wonder to myself sometimes .. why would you kill yourself? What can possibly be wrong with someone that makes them want to actually kill themselves? I used to cut myself in the 8th grade. Well, I only did it once. Idk.. I guess I was depressed? Lonely? I don't know. I used to get bullied a lot. People would always call me emo or goth, and would tell me to go cut myself. So I did it. I kinda liked it. At the time I I didn't know how to react when I got bullied, and I didn't know why being emo/goth was such a bad thing to be to those people. When they would call me those labels they would say it like if I was a bad person and I was just an innocent 12-13 year old. I always felt lonely in middle school even though I had "friends". I just felt unwanted because of my style and what I liked. But now that I think about it, I don't give an actual fuck what anybody thinks about me now, they can go fuck themselves. I remember this one time this one asshole asked me "When are we going to have our cutting session?" I got so fucking mad ugh.  I ended up spitting inside his backpack and throwing it on top of the roof. But instead I took it down and threw it in the trash can. Anyways enough about me. I wonder what would go through your mind hmm. I want to know how you felt. How you felt about anyone to be honest. I wonder what you would think of me. Hmm maybe weird as fuck. That's what a lot people think of me as now, but a "cool" weird .. well now since I'm in highschool. I wonder a lot lol. I wonder how I would react or how you would react if we ever met each other. I think of you as my imaginary friend now that I got more into your music. I don't want people thinking I'm stupid talking to a dead person. Now they are really going to think I'm weird not a cool weird but like a scary weird. Anyways it's time for me to go. Just want you to know that you are missed and loved by me!!! Okay lol Bye I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! 🖤

Sincerely, red

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