No surprises.

24 1 0

My eyes met powder blue ones, halfway hidden by soft eyelids. My current situation wasn't the best. After opening two big doors to a mansion I was supposed to be living in now, Someone appeared before me, basically scaring the shit out of me.

"Are you just going to sit and stare at me all day?"

They mumbled from behind their mask, looking uninterested.

"Well- n-"

"It was a rhetorical question."

Another mumble came out. Something tells me he really doesn't want to speak to me. Gathering my composure, I stood and dusted myself off.

"Erm... I'm (Y/N)-"

"I know who you are. He already told me you were coming."

"He? Who's he?"

Being met with no reply, just a blank stare, I sighed to myself. I wasn't going to get anywhere with him.

"I'll find Reiji. Stay."

He spoke to me as if I were a dog before running up the stairs.

"Wait! I never got your na- and he's gone..."

Part of me wanted to stay in fear of consequences but another part of me wanted to venture out. This was a huge mansion, there had to be some pretty cool things here!

Just as I was about to leave my spot I heard tapping from above, looking up. The boy was back, this time with a tall purple haired man with glasses by his side

"I don't recall ever getting word of a new sacrifice..."

"He told me."

"Of course. He'll do anything to avoid speaking to me."

I stood there watching them speaking to eachother. I couldn't help but wonder to myself... who are they, what was their relationship towards one another? Who was he?

Asking myself these questions I barely missed the purple haired guy's question.

"What is your name?"

"I'm (Y/N) (L/N)...To be honest I'm not sure why I'm even here...I was kind of just pushed into a car and dropped off here."

"Hm. Typical of him to pluck a human out of their world with no warning...we shouldn't talk here. Follow me."

He turned around and began to leave, the smaller one following behind him.

Human? Why'd he call me a human...? I had so many questions as I followed the two.

The smaller one kept glancing back at me, as if making sure I wasn't trying to make a run for it.

Of course this was a scary situation but it's not like these people were monsters...right?

Leading me into a seating area, the smaller one took a seat on one of the many couches. Here, another man was. This man had blonde hair and was seemingly asleep.

"Of course you're here. Sleeping as usual...deadbeat."

The purple haired male mumbled before turning to me.

"I suppose I should introduce myself then, since you will be staying with us for the time being. I am Reiji Sakamaki, The second eldest...This is Shu Sakamaki, the eldest."

He seemed to be aggravated as he introduced his older brother. He then glanced to the pink haired person then looked back at me.

"And he is Taemin. The youngest of the household... though he is not related to us."

Was it just the three of them? The way Reiji spoke made it seem like there were more.

My questions were soon answered when I heard laughing from behind me. Turning to face the noise, a man with a hat on came walking in, laughing and clapping his hands.

"Jeez, Reiji. At least pretend to like him, we have a guest."

Taking a seat next to Taemin, he flashed a grin at me. Reiji rubbed his temple, introducing him as Laito.

Soon the other men came in one after the other.

Kanato Sakamaki, a purple haired boy with a teddy bear. He seemed nice until asking to make me into a doll...Nevermind, he's not nice, just creepy.

Ayato Sakamaki, a red haired boy who was obviously very narcissistic, using 'yours truly' when speaking about himself.

And last but not least, Subaru Sakamaki, a white haired boy with extreme anger issues, evident in the way he put a hole in the wall as an introduction.

Did I have to live with all these guys now? I mean, I didn't mind. They're all pretty attractive in one way or another. This couldn't be too bad.

"So do you know why I'm here?"

I asked before earning a laugh from Ayato.

"This ugly (girl/boy/person) really doesn't know?"


Taemin was about to speak before being shushed by Laito who sat beside him.

"Nuh-uh. Remember, Speaking isn't good for you. You're sick. Save your energy, okay?"

Taemin ended up just leaning back into the couch after that, staying silent.

That kind of hurt... is that why he was wearing that mask? He was sick?

"You've been sent here as a sacrificial (bride/groom/spouse). You have no choice in this matter, so I don't expect to hear any complaints."

Reiji pushed up his classes. Okay, getting a little snappy I guess...

"Sacrifice? A sacrifice to what?"

"You mean who."

Shu, who I had assumed had been sleeping the whole time, finally spoke up.

Yes...who. My nerves started to get bad, I could feel my stomach churn with an uncomfortable feeling.

"You wanna know who?"

Ayato spoke up, swinging his legs off of his chair before walking up before me. Staring (up/down) at him before he bared his teeth at me...fangs...


And then it all went black.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2021 ⏰

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