Liam Hemsworth Carter

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No one knew what that storm was. The golden four being the children of golden trio were searching none stop. They will be the last in their common rooms to stay. Scorpius and Albus would stay up late and search for that thing. Rose and Alexandria would sneak into library in the night. Sometimes they would sneak into restricted section too by using Albus's invisibility cloak. There were many attacks happening in the ministry . The person behind the attacks was very clever . He didn't left any traces after the attacks. Ministry workers were being kidnapped and after some days someone would find them but without life.

"Another attack. Lila anderson age 24 . Assistant auror to Dean Thomas a successful auror. She was kidnapped yesterday . She was last seen on Tulip street near an Alley. The aurors are searching everywhere for lost witches and wizards"
Rose reads the daily prophet loud enough to tell the other three the new attack.

"Look , I noticed a thing. Everyone who is kidnapped is last seen on muggle streets . Like they go there and doesn't return back. It can be a muggle too. You don't see many witches and wizards wandering on muggle streets. Also , every single person who is kidnapped is a ministry worker. I think that man wants inner plans, information and missions of the ministry" Scorpius tells them pointing out .

Everyone gets quiet considering it .

"Surpringly you are right scorp" Alexandria says to him realising his point.

Other two just nods. Rose looks in a deep thought then suddenly she gets up from the table and heads out of the great hall still thinking something.

The other three exchange a look and then shrug.

Rose was sitting in the library reading a book on wizarding storms and curses who can cause a storm like this. Eddie LacMillan enters the library in search of someone. Then his eyes lands on Rose and he takes a deep breath and takes the nearest book in his reach and heads towards Rose. He sits across from her .

"Hey. Rose Granger Weasley right?" He starts. Rose looks up and smiles a little at him .

"Yes and you are?" She asks him.

"I am Eddie . Eddie LacMillan. I have heard a lot about you. I am truly shocked on your knowledge about everything" he says to her. Rose blushes at this.

"Well um Thank you , Eddie" she says to him blushing. Eddie was a very handsome boy with messy brown hair.

"Wanna hang out sometime?" He asks her smirking .

"Of course whenever you want" she replies smiling.

"Good we can hang out tomorrow . What do you say?" He asks her .

"Sounds good to me" she replies.

"By the way your hair have beautiful color" he compliments her .

Rose turns bright red and he smirks at this.

"Well thank you" she replies still red.

After some time of talking Eddie leaves to complete his homework. Rose was still reading but her mission to find was long forgotten because Eddie was in her mind.

'He is really handsome and good looking. God, Rose what are you thinking? Don't think about it. But what about Scorpius? I mean he is good looking too. No,no he is my Best friend'
Rose thoughts staring at the book blankly.

After fighting with her thoughts Rose gets up with the same book in her hand to read later. She was gonna read it at night.

Rose heads to her lesson. It was Potions. They were having it with Hufflepuffs.

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