character list + name descriptions

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main character descriptions

- Prince Elric (wise ruler)

- King Milomir (world, peace, and prominent)

- Vratislav (glory to those who come back)

- Queen Yaroslava Lavinia (Yaroslava - fierce and glorious || Lavinia - legendary mother)

- Guinevere (fair one || historically, Guinevere was the wife of King Arthur. however, she fell in love with Lancelot, who was one of King Arthur's most trusted and loyal knights)

- Bozhena (godly, divine, goddess || name given to children born at Christmas)

- Cynthia (the moon, personified || Cynthia (Kynthia) was an alternative name for Artemis, the Greek goddess of the Moon. she was the goddess of wild animals, the hunt, vegetation, and of chastity and childbirth)

- Eustace (fruitful, steadfast, + orderly)

additional character descriptions

- Tomila (torture)

- Meliora (better)

- Aethelred (noble counsel)

- Meadhra (happy)

- Casimir (destroyer of peace)

- Chestibor (honour + battle)

- Velasco (like a crow)

- Saoirse (freedom)

- Gaelin Dalibor (healer + calm || fighting far away)

- Aelienor (bright, shining one)

- Tikhomir (quiet + peace)

setting - location/region title descriptions

- Home/Families Land - Brooklyn (broken land)

- Planned/End Destination - Esclarmonde (clarity of the world)

- Escape/Safe Place - Paxton (town of peace || peacetown)

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2022 ⏰

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