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Burt couldn't believe what the boss ordered him to do.

"Curtis. You do a great job in accounting. But I'm gonna be sending you on this hiest." Said Boss Reginald.
Burt's eyes widened and had a small panic attack "What!? S-sir, with all due respect, I can't fight! I've never even fired a gun before!" There were many factors that made Burt a better pencil pusher and a terrible frontline goon. One being strength and body build. Another being he hated being in the middle of violence.
Reginald wraped an arm around his shoulder "And that's why I'm sending you out there. You work for me, so you need to have some criminal experience other than helping us commit both tax fraud and tax evasion!"
Not gonna lie, Burt was the best at what he does.
"Is there anything I could say that would change you decision?" The accountant pleaded in a monotone voice.
"NOPE! Now get ready. You're helping with the oceanside bank robbery!" The boss gleefully stated patting Burt on the back a little too hard.
Burt sighed and left to prepare.
:End of flashback

Burt wore a black hoodie over his normal white dressshirt under an orange sweater and black jeans with dark blue slip-on sneakers, as they neared their target. He also had his orange headphones around his neck to calm his nerves. But he's never robbed a bank before. What if he gets caught?
"Masks on everybody." Said one of the Mafia thugs. There seemed to be 9 thugs in total on this mission. 9 thugs and 1 accountant.
The accountant sighs and puts on his ski mask. As do the others. Burt felt gratitude to Carol and Leprechaun, who taught him how to use a gun and what to do if it jammed. Still, shooting people was the last thing he wanted.
"We're here. Let's move!" Thug #2 signaled everyone to follow him out.
Burt couldn't remember most of the events that went down. His focus as narrow as a pinhead.
"Scatter!" Said either thug #4 or #7.
Burt found himself running through the woods with 4 maybe 5 police officers hot on his tail.
"What do I do? What do I do!? Gah!" The accountant nearly ran off a cliff and removes his mask to catch his breath. Burt puts up his hoodie as he hears the footsteps grow closer.
"FREEZE!" Says a male officer.
Burt turns around quickly and slips. Falling into the rough waters bellow.
Coming to, he finds himself sinking deeper and deeper, running out of breath. He waves his arms "I can't swim!" His mind says. The accountant gripped his neck trying to keep his breath from escaping.
All of a sudden, he feels himself being pulled againsts the current and all his gaze can land on, is the tail end of a shark. "Well... This is how I die." Burt looses consciousness in the next moment.

A while later, the accountant begins to awake. Above him, looks to be a blonde man with diamond-blue eyes, and he sweared they reflected the calmness of a tropical sea. He only got a glimps for a second before the man ran off. He sat up and caught the splash from a shark diving under the water.
"What? I'm alive? I'm not fish food!?" He patted all over his body ending at his head wearing a most grateful of smiles to the gods. Reaching into his pocket, finding a blue shell, he examined this gift that the ocean seemed to give him. It sparkled in the summer sun and Burt couldn't help but keep it.
Standing up, he dusts off as much sand as he can. "I should go home and rest. Wait, how long was I out?" Burt rubs his head and strolls further onto land.
Unknowingly being watched from the waters by a certain blonde man, with flushed cheeks and a gentled shark-toothed smile.

To be continued...

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