~ chapter two ~

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I woke up with my dad yelling from the kitchen. "C'mon (y/n) wake up! I'm taking you to school!" I opened my eyes still dizzy. It felt weird to wake up in a new place but i shook it off and went staright to my drawer. Last night i had unpacked everything so i grabbed a cool outfitt that i had already planned for. "We're leaving in 15." My dad yelled from the kitchen again. I quickly got dressed and walked to the kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal. After filling up for the morning i brushed my teeth and my hair, grabbed my backpack and got out of the house with my dad. 


Still half asleep, i looked out the car window and saw the new school i would attend to. Everybody seemed so...different from the folks i used to know. Every where i looked, i was sure i wouldn't fit in. "C'mon. You gotta get in there eventually." My dad said while i looked at the students walking around the precinct. "This is your future. Go out there and make it worth it." My dad said patting my back. I sighed. "Thanks dad." I opened the door and grabbed my backpack. "Love you." My dad said with a cheesy smile. "Love you too."

While walking through the precinct i took out my phone and looked at it. Didn't wanna call for a lot of attention or how best to put it. No attention. At. All. Socializing wasn't my strong point and if a bunch of curious kids rounded up around me i wasn't sure if i was going to keep my cool. I looked at the time. It were 06: 20, and I realized that my dad dropped me off way earlier than he should've and now i had nothing to do. What surprised me was the ammount of students that were already in the school. I guess when you have someone to come with you don't care when you arrive right?

oh shit


I remembered the poor upstairs boy that just wanted someone to hang out with and i totally bailed on him. God im a monster. Maybe he won't be pissed at me when he sees me again. But either way, i wanted to wait for him. I couldn't walk myself through those unknown hallways alone. I sat in a free bench and waited for the boy to show up.

The clock hit 07:00 and the bell rang. Every student started slowly making their way up to the entrance of the school. I closed my eyes slowly. God i should've gotten more sleep that night but i was too nervous about the new school and the new town. This big school bus parked next to the school. A bunch of students came out of it one by one and in the end of the queque there he was. The boy. His hair was messy. He was wearing a blue jacket on top of a shirt and a grey t. He walked out of the bus and started walking towards the school. I quickly grabbed my stuff and started walking towards him in hopes of intersecting him. "Hey Felix." I said. "Oh, there you are." He stopped in the middle of the path. He looked at me and tilted his head. "I thought we were gonna come togeher." "Yeah but my dad said he was gonna bring me and i kinda forgot about the coming with you thing. I'm sorry." I said curling my arms around my stomach. "No no. No problem. I'm already used to coming to school alone anyays so..." He looked okay with the situation, strangely. "No, it was bad of me and im sorry."  We looked at each other for a few moments. "Ookay. We should...head inside." He said pointing to the entrance that led to the hallways of the school. I looked around. The precinct was almost empty. "Yeah. We should." We walked through the big doors.

"Welcome, to Creekwood." He said opening his arms and spinning around. I giggled. "Nice." "I think i need to go see the vice principal about the arrival and everything." I said looking around. There were so many people. "This way." He said and led the way through the corridor. I kept looking at the people on the halls. They were all divided in small groups, some talking next to lockers, others running past me to get to class. "Hey lone stone!" This tall guy startled me. "Hello Andrew." Felix said. He looked annoyed. "You look new.- Andrew looked me top to bottom - I'm Andrew." He reached out. "(y/n)." I shook his hand. He bowed down a little bit. "Don't get your hopes up with this one.- he pointed with his head to Felix - He doesn't have the full package down there if you know what i mean." He murmured. His friends standing behind him laughed. "Good luck in the first day." He said with a smug smirk. He and his friends passed by us and one by one agressively patted Felixes shoulder. "Good to see you too!- Felix faked a smile - jackass." he murmured. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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