Chapter Two

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Chapter Two:

Ethan's POV

I watch as Jack stumbles out of his door. He makes his way over to my truck and I see Sam tense up. Does she have a crush on Jack? "Sam, try to act normal," I say, regretting how much of a dick I sounded like.

She turns to face me. "I can't help how I feel toward him. I hate him so much," she tells me.

I mentally slap myself in the face for that one. Of course she doesn't like him. She told me last night how she felt. She opens the door and slides over next to me, strapping herself in place. "Sup, Ethan?" Jack says with a smile.

"Nothin'. Just thought we could grab some breakfast at McDonald's," I say, backing out of his driveway.

"Sounds good. What are you gonna tell Tara about two nights ago?"

I look over at him, then at Sam, who looks between us in confusion. "I don't know, man. I'm just gonna be honest with her. I'm not her slave. I make my own damn decisions."

"C'mon. You're whipped as fuck. You do everything she says when she says it. You can't lie to me on that one."

I look back down at Sam, who seems amused with our conversation. The only time Sam gets to find out my personal life is the rides in my car. Jack and I can't help but talk about our sex lives in the car. It just happens. But Sam is cool enough not to tell my mom. "I guess not. You're such a dick, you know that?" I say, glancing over at him.

"Yeah. Dude, you never let me forget. But at least I'm not the who's whipped."

I grumble profanities under my breath and grip the steering wheel, taking a sharp turn. "Sam, did you eat breakfast yet?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah. I just had cereal," she confirms.

"Good. I'm dropping you off early."

"Fine. But I better get five bucks so mom doesn't find out about this Tara girl."

I look down at her with a shocked face. Is she seriously blackmailing me right now? "Here," I hiss as I slap a five dollar bill into her hand.

She smiles and shoves it into her back pocket. I turn onto the street to her school and drop her off, speeding away and heading to McDonald's.


"What? I thought you liked me," Tara basically screams. I look around at all the people who were looking our way.

"Move it, will ya?" I yell at them. I look back at Tara, who is now crying. Here we go again with the crying episodes. Why am I never able to 'breakup' with her without her crying? "Tara, shut the hell up. I don't have time for this. It's over."

She removes her hands from her face and looks up at me, anger in her eyes. She brings her hand back and it meets my cheek. "Hm!" she hums as she turns the other way and walks down the hall.

I hold my cheek for a brief moment before I hear something like chuckling coming from behind me. I turn around and see Haley Jacobs snickering. "What's so funny?" I ask.

She forces her laughter to subside as I watch her in anger. "You kinda deserved that one, pretty boy," she smirked.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Were you eavesdropping?"

She nods frantically, causing her straight, brown hair to brush against her small shoulders. "Of course. I love a good drama scene."

I scoff and start to walk away, but she calls after me, "Ethan, wait." I turn around slowly and cross my arms. "You have a little something," she says, pointing to her left cheek.

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