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Amity's POV

                    It had been one week since the petrifaction ceremony and I can't stop thinking about Luz. I've been stuck in bed all week from the grugby accident and finally got my cast off today. I've been able to walk for one hour and I already want to go over to the owl shack even if I have to meet that bird tube thingy, I really want to check on Luz to see if she's okay. 

                     Ugh! These feelings are so confusing I don't know how to process them. After about a ten minute argument with myself on whether I should go to the owl shack or not, I decide to go. 

                      I tied my hair up and walked to the door before I was stopped by two familiar voices. "Hey there mittens where you going" Edric said stepping in front of me.

"Going to see Luz" Emira added standing next to Edric. I feel my face get warm just by the mentioning of her name. 

"Let me go" I said in a grunt trying to push past them.

"Fine" Emira said letting me get to the front door. 

"Have fun on your date" Emira said, right before I stepped out the door.

"It's not a date!" I yelled back running out the door. 

                            I managed to make to all the way to the owl shack without anymore interruptions. I went up to the door and I immediately heard the high pitched voice of a certain bird tube.

"Hiya Amity hows the leg" Hooty said inching towards me.

"Talk to me again and i'll remind you of what happened last time" I said before it could get any closer.

"Ok Ok jeesh" Hooty said sounding frightened backing away.  Hooty went over to the window and screamed,"Luz your mean friend is here" and came back unfortunately. Thankfully the door opened seconds after. " I didn't know someone could run that fast" I whispered to myself. 

"What was that" Luz asked stepped closer to me. I felt my face grow warm when i looked at her. 

"Oh it's nothing" I said pushing my hair behind my ear. 

"Oh ok, come inside" she said stepping aside and motioning her to walk in. I walk in and I see Eda's wanted poster above the couch. It still confuses me that she is proud of that. I see Luz sit down on the couch so I sit next to her. 

"So... what's the occasion" she asked.

"Oh I just wanted to say hi and see how you were doing" 

" Thanks, I'm doing fine. It has been a little weird with Lilith here but we are getting used to each other" she said looking at me scooting closer to me.

" Wait Lilith is here" I said surprised that my old mentor is living here.

"Yeah it's a long story"

" I bet" I said laughing. I look over at her and I get that feeling again in my stomach i just want to hold her hand. These thoughts overwhelmed me and I must have spaced out because Luz was tapping me. 

" Hey you good there"

"Yeah I was just thinking"

"Got it" she said looking away. I look down at my scroll and see what time it is.

"It was nice seeing you again but I got to head home before my parents do" 

"Oh ok" she said sounding disappointed, would she actually miss me?

"Actually, do you want to meet at the library tomorrow" I asked not knowing where is new found confidence came from. 

"Sure!" She said enthusiastically. At that I walked out and once I was far enough away from the bird tube. I leaned on a tree and sighed. These feelings were overwhelming. I don't know how to comprehend them. 

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