Revenge Is a Lesson Best Served Hot and Steamy | Part 1

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(Content warning: shrinking, vore, giant male, cruelty. If that isn't your jam, maybe skip this one.)

"Can you believe that piece of shit gave me another F?"

   Corey Stanson fumed as he slammed his locker shut, glaring expectantly at his friend.

"I don't know, man. I didn't read your stupid paper." Honestly, Corey probably deserved it.

"My paper was fine. Mr. Lavinas just doesn't like me. Like, he wants to make my last year in this prison absolutely miserable."

   Toby rolled his eyes but nodded anyway. Sometimes, it was easier to just agree with his fiery friend. Well, most times. "Exactly, though. It's your last year. Who cares?"

"It's the principle of the whole thing. He thinks he's soooo smug, and soooo smart."

   Toby could tell Corey was just beginning his Mr. Lavinas related ranting that had become a weekly occurrence and he did his best to hide his disdain as they made their way down the crowded halls, backpacks slung over their shoulders.

"Yeah, well, soon you won't have to deal with him. You'll just have to deal with like ten college professors who'll probably be just as annoying."

   Corey narrowed his eyes. Since when had his friend become so pragmatically pessimistic? "Whatever. Text me later," he instructed, bidding Toby farewell. Was that really what he had to look forward to?

   The eighteen-year old's father had his fingers in town politics, ensuring that his son got into whatever state college he wanted to. Or rather, whatever state college his father wanted him to get into. For Corey, the choice wasn't really all that important. His only goals were to get out of high school, get a high paying job, and leave everyone he knew in the dust. Well, maybe not Toby, but he wasn't ruling anything out.

   So no, his grades didn't actually matter all that much at that point. But no other teacher in all his years of going to school had ever treated him the way Mr. Lavinas did. As soon as the young, college grad started at his school, Corey knew he'd be trouble. All of the girls in his class swooned over his youthful face and relatable taste in music, constantly begging him to bring in his acoustic guitar and stay after school to help with their projects. From Corey's perspective, he doted on them while he brushed off the guys.

   Not that he cared about that. No. His issue with Mr. Lavinas was his failure to appreciate his unique talents. Corey knew he wasn't a genius but compared to the students he was surrounded by, he might as well have been Bill fucking Gates. None of his classmates had the dreams he had, the drive he had, to get out of their worthless little town. So when this new teacher came in and started acting like everyone was a magical, special snowflake, it annoyed the shit out of him. And then the guy had the nerve to mark up his papers with his stupid purple pen, covering them in condescending remarks about his use of certain words and formulating a coherent argument and yadda yadda yadda.

The eighteen-year old's hatred for the slightly older man was solidified the first time he'd handed him back a paper with a B- grade. After that, everything the man did annoyed Corey. On some level, he knew his teacher couldn't have been doing it all on purpose. But his smug attitude was just too irksome to ignore. Gradually, his grades came back worse and worse. Sure, he could admit that he wasn't giving his homework 100% but what senior did?

   About a week ago, an essay topic he actually gave a shit about presented itself and he was positive the results of his efforts in writing it would show Mr. Lavinas how wrong he'd been about him. But when he received his worst grade yet, he decided there would be consequences.

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