Revenge Is a Lesson Best Served Hot and Steamy | Part 2

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(Content warning: shrinking, vore, giant male, cruelty. If that isn't your jam, maybe skip this one.)


"Did you piss yourself?"

   Twenty-three-year-old Tim Lavinas grimaced as he watched his student pull his once-fitting clothes from his backpack. He'd been placed on the cold surface of a nondescript desk in a room he didn't recognize, although it was hard to tell. His eyesight didn't reach very far, and it was difficult to take his gaze off his giant captor, as terrifying as it was to see one of his pupils towering over him like a tree.

   Based on the stifling and horrifying journey he'd just been forced to take, he could at least ascertain that they were nowhere near the school, a thought that made his stomach turn. Clearly, no one had heard his desperate screams for help. But if they'd stayed there he was sure someone would have come along and caught Corey eventually.

   Now, he seemed to be in a world consisting only of himself and this lunatic of an eighteen-year-old that had shrunk him down to, what? A foot tall? The how and the why of all of this were like gaping black holes beckoning him inside but he had to keep focusing on getting out of the situation first. Everything else could be solved later, when he was safe.

   Corey gave the wad of his teacher's clothes a sniff and snickered as he tossed them aside. "Ha! You did! Sorry, man. Didn't realize you had to go that bad." He was very much not sorry and he had to assume the older man knew that.


"Hey, maybe you should call me something else?"

   It had taken Tim so much effort to muster up the resolve to speak so when he was interrupted, he felt more of his control slipping away. Not that he had much to begin with at that point.

"How about...." The teenager made a big show of hemming and hawing, tapping his lips as he stood directly in front of the desk, stretched to his full height. "Mr. Stanson? You're so pathetic now. And I'll call you Tim. Makes more sense, yeah?" He tilted his head as if he'd just suggested a more convenient place for dinner, knuckles resting on his hips.

   For a moment, the older man eyed the gigantic appendages that could so easily snatch him up, his teeth clattering inside his mouth. "You- you have to change me-"

"Mr. Stanson. Try again," Corey commanded, slamming a fist into the surface of the desk. He hardly used any strength and yet the force still sent his teacher scrambling backwards.

"Mr. Stan- Mr. Stanson. Mr. Stanson," Tim echoed promptly. "Please, you can't just do this to someone- you have to- you have to bring me back to school-" Again, he tried to get as much out as possible, instinctively recognizing that the opportunity to speak could disappear at any moment.

"Okay, lemme stop you right there, Tim."

   Corey leaned over the desk, his left hand planted firmly on the edge, the right pointing a dangerously large finger in his teacher's face.

Fuck. I could get used to this. "I don't HAVE to do anything. I don't NEED to do anything. You have absolutely no say in what's going on here. Do you understand that?" He huffed, poking the tiny man's chest. He'd meant for it to be a light tap but it sent the man falling backwards onto his bare ass.

"Oops. Careful." Corey placed one of his expansive palms behind Tim to make sure he didn't get too close to the edge of the desk. He didn't want his new toy breaking so soon.

"What do you want from me?" The older man switched tactics. Clearly, this kid wasn't going to listen to reason. He seemed drunk on the power he now had, a toxic power that no human should ever hold over another. He had an inkling that this had to do with the grades he'd been giving the younger man, but he didn't want to bring them up. Not when he was a foot tall and Corey could easily squeeze the life out of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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