011 Pt. 2

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After an hour or so of dancing I decided to go look for Aaron. "Aaron?" I shouted. He came out of the bathroom, clearly drunk. I wrapped his arm around my shoulder, he smelled sweet, like perfume. "You smell weird." I said. He shook his head stumbling down the stairs slightly. I ordered an uber laying us on the grass. I sat up, Aaron's head falling into my lap. "Thank you." he mumbled. Dezi comes up to us, whispering something into Aaron's ear. Aaron looks at her, then at me and shakes his head. I roll my eyes and lay back on the ground. "5 minutes away." my phone read. "What was that about?" I asked Aaron, I look over seeing Aaron passed out on his side.

"She was just telling me she is keeping the video up." Aaron said as we get out of the uber. "What?" I asked practically carrying him into his house. His mother and sisters were out for the night, so it was only us. Aaron stands up going up to his room leaving me in the kitchen. "Dude!" I shouted. Aaron turned around angrily staring at me, I shook my head not knowing what I did wrong. "What in the hell is wrong with you?" I asked. "You! You are whats wrong with me! Are we together? Are we just friends?" he shouted. "I don't know! I like you but I know how you are!" I shouted stepping closer to me. "Let's just calm down, I've been drinking you've been drinking." he said putting a hand on my shoulder. I shrugged him off sitting on his couch leaning my head back. "You can go sleep in Hannah's room." he said patting my head. I looked up at his drained face, he drank a lot tonight. "I'm sorry. About earlier. You could've just as easily left me at that party." he said. I stood up going into his sister's room laying down.


I turned around seeing the one person I didn't want to. Dezi. "Goddammit." I mumbled rolling off of Ysabelle. Dezi comes in the door sitting next to her, touching her neck. "Vampire." she mumbled. "Dezi stop. Nothing happened." Ysabelle said. Dezi shook her head smirking slightly, she twist her dyed blonde in her long red nails. "This, this isn't nothing. What about Bell?" she asked. "Don't worry about Bell." I said. "Who is Bell?" Ysabelle asked. "His girlfriend." Dezi said, smirking evilly. "I'm leaving." I rolled my eyes walking out of the room, going into the bathroom.

I stand in the mirror at my dark circles that no one seems to notice, i see my messy hair that hasn't been washed in days. "Aaron?!" Bell yells from outside the door. I open the door, she looks at me in concern and wraps my arm around her shoulders. "That bad?" I mumble. She didn't hear me over the music.

I lay in Bell's lap until Dezi comes over. "Break her heart or I'll tell her and Tyler about you and Ysabelle." she whispers. I sigh looking over at Bell, shaking my head slowly.


For the past two weeks Aaron and I have been getting a lot closer. Secretly of course. There is always rumors of us dating but I shrug them off. "Why don't you guys just date already?" Emma asked at lunch. Aaron was sitting with us today at lunch, he had gone to get him and I something to drink. "Shut up bro! We aren't like that." I whisper shouted. "Come on Bell, a blind man can see that he is in love with you. I mean look at him." Jay said pointing to Aaron buying my drink from the soda machine. "So? Friends buy each other soda so what?" I shrugged taking a bite from my salad. "Okay, who bought you that salad? Who made you that bracelet? Who do you talk about 24/7? I'll give you a hint- it's Aaron." Emma said lowly. I rolled my eyes, looking at the bracelet that says "Aaron2Shiesty" matching his that I made that says "Bell2Shiesty", knowing she was right. "Aaron helped me out with a lot of things, he's my best friend." I said. "With benefits." Jay mumbles as Aaron comes back to the table. "I got the Sunkist Zero for the lady, and the Diet Dr. Pepper for me." he smiled opening my can. "I can open my own can." I smiled. He touches my fake nails. "Wouldn't want you to break a nail." he laughed drinking a drink of my soda. "Shut up Aaron." I punches his arm laughing. "Wow, I buy you lunch, open your drink, be super considerate of your nails and this is how you repay me?" he pushes my arm. I drop the soda on my shirt. "Fuck, I'm so sorry bro, here." he takes off his black hoodie throwing it over my wet shirt. "No its fine, it was an accident." I smile looking up meeting his eyes, he makes eye contact and look away blushing. "Why are you acting so weird?" I whisper. I look up seeing Emma and Jay whispering looking at us. "Come to my house tonight. I'm making dinner." he whispered in my ear moving my hair behind my ear. "Wear something nice, but not too nice. You know?" he smirked pulling away. I blushed looking down at my salad. "Thanks for lunch, by the way." I said elbowing his arm.

𝐴𝑙𝑙 𝑀𝑖𝑛𝑒 (𝐴𝑛 𝐴𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑛 𝐻𝑢𝑙𝑙 𝐹𝑖𝑐)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora