Night five: the Gin Factory

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Working for the Shelby family was all the same to you, just to work and do as you were told, but the gin factory really had your attention considering you loved to get a little tipsy sometimes.

It was a really late Sunday evening and you had to run some papers for a shipment by Thomas office, it was very urgent and you didn't want to upset him, for as you have seen what happens to people who upset Thomas. It was dark and cold inside the factory only a few lights were on in the whole factory. You managed to walk around most of the holes in the concrete floor, but missed one and fell. The papers went sliding across the floor making a huge noise in the empty factory. You pushed yourself up in pain seeing you had torn holes in your hoes. You muttered


You stood and wiped off your dress and managed to pick up all of the papers, but some has gotten a bit wet from being on the floor. You walked through the rest of the factory making your way up the steps to Thomas office , and getting the keys from your purse you unlocked the door and when you turned you jumped drooping some of the papers once more ,you saw Thomas at his desk he spoke

" late night isn't it love ?"

You sighed in relief and spoke

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You sighed in relief and spoke

"Yes, Mr. Shelby is, but I thought I should bring these papers before you had come in tomorrow morning..."

He looked confused and knoding his head he replied

"You had all week to do them Mrs. Y

, why wait till the last minute?"

You held your breath for what seemed like and enternity and replied

" my mother has been very sick Mr. Shelby ... I'm very sorry it will not happen again.. it's just now that my father is gone I am all she has and we are barley making ends meet ..."

He looked at you for a few moments and then while lighting his cigarette and asked

" how old are you love ?"

Your eyes got bigger as you were putting the papers on the table and you said

" I just turned 19 Mr. Shelby ..."

He rose from his desk and started walking towards you and asked

" you a virgin ?"

You wrapped your arms tightly around yourself and stuttered

" yes , yes I am ...."

Before you knew it he was in front of you face to face, you were enchanted almost haunted by his eyes .... he placed his hand on your hip and you quickly looked down and he said

" no love ... look at me"

You obeyed and continued looking into his eyes he spoke once more

" do you want me to make you a woman love ... not everyone can say they have had a Shelby for their first time Eh?"

You began breathing quickly, he pushed you closer and closer to the table and before you knew it his body was between your legs. He began kissing your neck pushing your hair to the back of your neck. You were trying to fight it ... your mother had raised you to wait until marriage but ... you couldn't say no ... so you gave in. You began moaning in his ear he then kept his head pressed against yours as he unbuckled his pants reviling what was already his hard cock waiting to be slid inside you. He lifted you up and laid you on his desk and lifted your dress and continued to slide his hand down over your hoes that you had wriped previously that night. Your chest started pounding and your mind started scrambling. Just before he entered you , you said

"Thomas ...."

He looked in your eyes seeing you were afraid and he said

"It's alright love I'll be gentle with you..."

He laid on top of you looking into your eyes ,sliding his cock inside of your drenched pussy, you felt your insides begin to stretch.. you let out a loud moan as he began thrusting into you slowly back and forth ... you wanted to cry, but the more you looked into his eyes the better it felt. Your moans slowly became passionate and you leaned in and kissed Thomas and he returned with tounge... you got a burst of courage and grasped his ass with your hands and pushed him into you harder. He lifted you with your ass on the desk and him standing up .. he grabbed your legs and wrapped them around himself. He began breathing roughly into your chest and began cupping your nipples that were piercing threw your dress. As his body tensed up so did yours, you could feel him about to cum inside you. This excited you and made you even closer to your climax... Thomas released all inside of you and gave to another large thrust inside of you, you felt his warm liquid coming out of you as he pulled his cock from your body he then placed two of his fingers inside you were once his cock was and began going in and out quickly. Taking his thumb and rubbing your clit around in little circles. You began jerking as your could feel your body preparing to climax. You held on tightly to his shoulders his your head facing the ceiling and in your ear he whispered

"Cum .... fookin cum for me love ..."

Again you obeyed ... it seemed like your body was released from so much tension and this set you at ease . Although you began shaking as you saw some blood between your legs you started to cry. As Thomas pulled up his pants he wiped your legs with a cloth and said

" it's alright love ... it's Normal"

As the night grew even later you still found your self putting away the papers but Thomas spoke saying

" go home love ... be with your mum ...I'll have Lizzie put those away tomorrow"

You followed Thomas out and he offered to drive you home and as he drove up to your small one bed room apartment were your sick mother was waiting inside you both said good night but Thomas was hesitant to drive away but he eventually did. The next morning as you tented to your mother you heard a knock at the door. You opened it and it was a man with a envelope and you said

" I'm sorry sir you must have the wrong place ..."

He replied

" your y/n aren't ye?"

You shook your head and he said

" well then this is for you ... a gift from Mr. Shelby, he hopes it can help."

You took the envelope and the man was on his way,you turned and closed the door and began opening the envelope and inside was 2,000 pounds .... your mouth dropped open and your mother spoke coughing

" is everything ok love ?

You replied

" yes .... yes ...."

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