Im very sorry

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Hey everyone tysm for reading! But i have lost the courage to write this story, so im going to delete wattpad. Because i dont want to leave you all hanging, here was the idea for the book.

Reese is allowed to look through the house and get old things, but she finds a map and they find some of graces old things, that weren't as they thought.  they follow the map just to find out the cop wasn't a  cop, and there parents were being targeted and were trying to be killed by Grace. The kids find them and get them back, but it's not as easy as they think, they are forced to use a system like the Underground Railroad, just to find 20+ more people in the same situation as them.Once they get back, many of their family(the ex wife and her family)had been taken to jail, for being accused of their death by fake security footage. They find out grace had run away, so they travel to find her not to long before the cops do, and she finds aways to get out of it, until Liam is able to pull out the letters she had been sent from the  mafia boss to kill them or else super important info about her will be posted to the public. It was about her hiring  a hitman, but he had failed to complete the task. The parents faked the death. They were found alive, so the mafia boss leaked the secret, and grace is forced to run away again.  THE END
The rest was supposed to be in a book "2" but im just going to have to leave it at this. Feel free to add onto my story, but please give credits to my tik tok: l..y1a or my email
Please forgive me and ty for the support, signing out, Layla<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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