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The glass barrier was dense and thick, its wavy surface disorienting the image it produced on the other side for the older teenager. He brushed the drooping mass of curls off from his forehead in an attempt to clear his vision, but the window remained the same. Impossibly impenetrable and infuriatingly mystifying. It had been that way for some time now – the boy had lost track over how long he had spent desperately trying to get a clearer image. It was as if he needed contacts to properly see through the glass wall, and he couldn’t seem to put them in his eyes quite right. They continuously shifted; sometimes he would get a clear glimpse of the scene laid out before him, and on other occasions, being able to see anything would be as impossible as trying to perceive something in pitch-blackness.

He sighed and rested his pale forehead against the cool glass. Trailing his index finger in absentminded patterns on its surface, the curly-haired boy once again attempted to conjure up a scene beyond the barrier. But nothing other than the exasperating cloudy milky-white colour appeared. The boy rotated around so his back was facing the barricade and slumped against the glass in defeat. He had hoped that something beneficial would come out of choosing this particular journey. He had dreamed of happy endings and storybook conclusions, but the situation he was in put him in a position where his wishes weren’t even an option anymore.

That is, until a very faint, but still audible tap resounded around the vacant room.

The boy leapt up from his hunched over position in a mixture of perplexity and hope and twisted around to face the sound.

Tap. Tap. Tap.

He glanced around wildly, his green orbs lighting up with newfound optimism. His heart rate increased, and the colour that had drained from his cheeks returned in a faint pink flush. The boy moved around, running his hands over the glass’s surface to try and find the source of the tapping. He called out, his voice raspy and deep, for someone.

“Hello?! Is anyone there?”

The noise increased its volume, the intensity of the sound ringing in the boy’s ears. He recognized the relentless tapping as coming from the far right corner of the window. The boy raced over towards where the sound was the loudest and impatiently pressed his face against the glass.

At first, all he could see was the murky whiteness, but it slowly dissolved into the silhouette of a man’s figure walking.

He pounded his fists in a furious rhythm on the glass, “Over here! Hello! I’m here!”

The shadowed figure stopped, and the boy could make out its head turning towards him. The boy screamed and shouted for all he was worth, bloodying his hands by pounding against the barrier ferociously in an attempt to draw the figure towards him. The figure turned, and began heading in the direction of the curly-headed boy. Its speed amplified, and it appeared as if it was sprinting towards him. The boy continued his incessant beating of his fists until the figure crouched down and pressed its face to the glass to line up with his.

When the shadowy figure’s features came into the boy’s suddenly clear vision, he froze stock-still. It could not be possible. He was dreaming. Hallucinating even. The blue-eyed, brown-fringed boy sitting before him was simply a mirage his overtired mind had created.

But yet, as he pinched himself on the arm, he did not wake up panting from an overly lucid dream - and instead remained right where he was – face to face with the boy he would give anything for.

“Louis?” he whispered tentatively, still not believing his own eyes.

The other boy smiled, the laugh lines crinkling at the corner of his eyes, “Harry?!”

The two broke out into hysterical cries of happiness and joy, pushing their hands and pressing their faces harder against the glass barricade.

“I can’t believe it’s you!” Harry exclaimed, wonder flickering in his bold green orbs.

“I can’t either Haz…I can’t either,” Louis gushed, scraping his eyes over every detail of Harry’s brightened features as if he’d disappear in an instant. “Listen, I don’t have much time – I’m not even supposed to be anywhere near here! If I get caught, I’ll be sent straight down to hell for sure! But there’s something I need to tell you…”

Harry nodded in response, his revived curls bouncing wildly around his grinning face. “What is it?!” he whispered in a tone of barely contained excitement, placing his hand on the glass so it lined up with Louis’.

“I can…well there’s a way that we could possibly be…” Louis’ voice caught, and he cleared his throat, “We could be…together.”

Harry’s throat closed off in an overwhelming rush of emotion. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out. His eyes had lit up though, and there was an internal light that seemed to radiate off of him like the sun’s rays. “How…?” he finally croaked, tears threatening to overflow from his glistening orbs.

Louis smiled at Harry, his facial expression mirroring the curly-haired boy’s perfectly. “I don’t know precisely how it works, but it involves a little girl – that’s all they could tell me. It’s not exactly information I’m supposed to know…” he admitted with a sly grin in Harry’s direction.

Harry laughed for the first time in while, throwing his head back at Louis’ statement. He smiled warmly back at the older boy, happiness coursing through his veins, “I don’t even know how you didn’t get sent to hell in the first place! But seriously Lou, whatever it takes – I just want to spend the rest of eternity with you.”

Louis nodded as a small tear escaped the corner of his eye. “Me too.”

Their palms and foreheads were pressed against the other’s through the impenetrable barrier, trying to be as close to one another as they both could physically manage.

“I love you – so please stick with me through this Hazza…I don’t know what’s going to happen, but hopefully it will work. Please promise me you won’t give up. Please?”

“I won’t. And Louis?”


“I love you too.”

Author's Note:

Helloooo!! This is the beginning of my brand new fan-fiction! I am fully comitted to finishing and fully completing my other story Beautiful Nightmares first - as that is my main priority - but once I am done, then I will switch over to writing this story! The first chapter should be up by tomorrow! 


LarryisEdtastic x.

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