First Live thing!

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Today is gonna be a BIG day.

Why? cause i'm doing my first ever live steam, what am i streaming you ask?

well sticking to the tradition of "i'm not like other VTubers" i'm going to stream the stupidest game in History. GMOD

you heard me right, the King of game crashes, Killer of Computers and overall Pain in the A**

i'm 100% positive its gonna crash but we're doing it anyway.

(Y/N): Alright! we're in. first stream, hows it going?

(Y/N): Now, you may be wondering what i'm streaming? any guesses?

KFPisNotCult: Among us?

Almond128: Minecraft!

RushiaNotPettan11:  FNF?

(Y/N): No its GMOD! i'm streaming GMOD!

(Y/N): Yes, i am insane. no need to remind me.

So. how did the stream go?

well.. GMOD and live streaming goes together like fat people and trampolines.

horribly incase you couldn't tell

the game crashed many times, and eventually i just gave up and started Chatting

(Y/N): I really regret making those Green Screens. you guys are flippen weird..

カナタピュレスト: 草草草草草草草草


So. thats another chapter.

hope ya liked it.


Terror: What do you guys see as deadlier, Rushia with a gun or Suisei with a Sword. i wanna hear your opinions on this.

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