In the beginning

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A long time ago, there were four wizards, each had power over a certain element, they were ruled over by a archmage called Merlin, who was a master of all magic, pyro was the master of fire, terra was the master of earth, and the final two were special, because hydro and aero were killed long ago, they were replaced by azoth, the wizard who controlled death, and lilia, the only female wizard, who controlled life, when all four got together it meant the destruction of the world was coming, so for the safety of humanity Merlin split them up across the different demesions, each controlling they're element without restraint, but within time Merlin glimpsed a future event that would wreak havoc upon the world, what he saw made him fear for the first time in life, so he traveled to each Demension, and sought to bring each wizard to a council, the first being pyro....
As Merlin opens the demensinal gateway he looks into the world of flame and fire, and he slams his staff on the ground and his voice booms as the staff enhances his voice, PYRO, COME, and immediately a human sized ball of flame appears before him, simmering with unkept rage.
"I no longer answer to you Merlin, you gave me my own realm and I don't plan on leaving" the spittting growl of fire hard to understand, pyro's very essence burning a hole in the ground.
"If you don't come with me pyro, then everything you have will be taken, and not by me!!" And with that Merlin closed the gateway and left pyro to his thoughts, knowing pyro was impulsive and crazy, but powerful, he was needed for his power, for without him his plan couldn't work.
A couple days later as Merlin lay in his own realm, the one we claim as our own, earth, he lay there thinking about pyro's next move, and without warning another vision came to him, striking him into a dark fear for never had he had 2 visions so close together.  Azoth, Merlin growled in his vision induced trance, what have you done, and with that he awoke, not quit understanding the dark penetrating fear the was starting to control him, it's time, he whispered to himself. 
2 years later...
Pyro muttered to himself as he walked across the ocean of lava, who does this old man think he is, trying to control my flames, he knows I'm the most powerful, so what's his angle, trying to bring me back, his thoughts continuing to wander as he started creating monsters out of his fire, and releasing them into all the dimensions, searching for Merlin in his keep, he's searched before but never has the need been so great. He knows he shouldn't but he feels if he doesn't side with Merlin it's gonna be the end, of everything..
Merlin felt the presence of fire on earth, and he knew pyro had made up his mind, and with that thought in his head, he slammed his staff on the ground and summoned the gateway once more, knowing pyro was waiting, on the other side of the gate, as it opened he felt another vision coming, and he sorta dragged pyro through the gate with pure willpower, knowing there was no other way, and as pyros boot came down on the floor the vision took him over...
It was about Azoth again, everything seemed to be about him these days, ever since the last ruler of death died, things have been hard, Azoth works on emotion, not logic, which for a death lord to do, is scary, but the fact that Azoth was impulsive even without his powers is even more scary, it started with him in his library, reading his darktomb, his book of spells if you will, when suddenly a gateway opens next to him, AZOTH!!! The demons voice boomed, slowly Azoth looked up from his tomb, deciding whether to banish this demon or hear him out, what do you want Drakzuul, the prince of hell growled at hearing his true name spoken.  I've come to warn you Azoth, not all in hell are happy with your desicions, Lucifer can't openly act against you as you well know but be warned, there's now an army looking for your death, ironic right, demons want death dead, and with a deep booming laugh Drakzuul disappears in a flash of flame. And with that Merlin wakes up thinking of Azoth's deal with the demon prince, knowing the name but somehow not able to remember it.

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