Chapter one: Meeting

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The joy of waking up to screaming was lost on me. The boom of cannons was something I had once been very accustomed to. With the noise, I woke up and slowly sat up. I was in a cell and it wasn't too small which was a relief. I blinked lightly as I listened to what was going on. A chuckle left me, "Ah the Marines are being attacked. I wonder who's doing it."

I pause in my musing when I heard footsteps coming this way. Two males were heading this way from the sound with something else. I heard someone speaking as they drew closer, "-Elling you Captain! They have a giant wolf in a cell!"

I snorted a slightly annoyed voice said, "Shachi, the Marines have no use for wolves-"

"I'd agree with you if it weren't for the fact those idiots are after the bounty on my head," I cut in and heard all three pairs of feet stop before moving towards me at a faster pace.

The three rounded the corner facing my cell and I got a good look at them. They were an interesting group. The first was a polar bear standing on it's hind legs wearing an orange boiler suit. The second was a ginger haired male with a bluish green hat that had a wide brim, sunglass covered eyes, and a white jumpsuit. The third was the most unique. Steel grey eyes looked at me from under a fuzzy black splotched white hat. He is a slim man of a relatively tall height. He has faint shadows right under his eyes which revealed that he didn't sleep much. He has black hair, a majority of which is obscured, save for his sideburns and small black goatee, by his odd hat. He is wearing a black-sleeved and hooded canary yellow hoodie with what I assumed was his Jolly Roger out on the front of his chest and the sleeves rolled up. He wore a pair of jeans with odd markings on both the knee and ankle areas, similar to the ones on his hat, but darker in color, and a pair of dark, pointed shoes. He has a pair of small gold earrings on each ear. The ginger stole my attention as he spoke, "It can talk?!?!"

I glared at him causing him to back up, "Obviously and I'm not an it! I'm a woman," I looked back at the curious male, "He's an idiot,"

"Hey!" The ginger shouted, "I'm not an idiot! How the hell was I supposed to know that you were a girl when your voice doesn't sound feminine?!"

I shook my head lightly before turning my attention to male that had a commanding air about him. His grey eyes were focused on me and I could see the interest in his eyes as he asked, "What's your name?"

"Kaileara," I answered him, "My name is Snow D. White Kaileara,"

Those steel grays widened causing a soft chuckle to leave me. His eyes narrowed as he asked, "How did you get captured by the Marines?"

"Oh you know," I slowly stood up fully and suppressed a wince at the dull shock of pain rang through me, "Running from bounty hunters and accidentally running off a cliff that the Marines were sailing close to,"

"You ran off the side of a cliff?" I glared at the ginger male.

"Considering the facts, I was rather busy on running as fast as I could with my injuries," I snap at him, "I'd rather not be captured by bounty hunters thank you very much,"

"Do you want to come with us?" I froze as I swung my head towards the grey eyed man.

The offer was tempting and it would be better than staying on a ship with the Marines. A memory of a similar situation burned at the back of my mind, but I pushed it back for now. It was not the time to reminisce. I decided to ask the important question, "What would happen to me and what do ya want in return?"

The man chuckled and walked forward, "I would fix you up and let you have time to get healthy again. In return, you offer information on the Grandline that will be useful. I have rules of course, but you'll learn the later."

I mentally listed the pros and cons before nodding. It was a better deal than most would offer and it would allow me to figure out what the hell was so familiar about him. I looked him deep in the eyes and gave my answer, "Alright Rookie, I'll come with you. What's the name of my savior?"

He smirked as he turned to the ginger, "Shachi go find the keys to get our guest out."

"Aye, Aye Captain!" The ginger, Shachi, took off quickly.

The man gestured to the polar bear, "This is my head navigator and as close to a first mate I have at the moment, Bepo."

"Nice to meet ya," I offered the bear the best smile I could.

"Nice to meet you too," The bear replied before bowing his head, "Sorry,"

I frowned before looking at the man. He chuckled softly before answering my question, "My name is Law," My heart jumped in my throat for some reason, "Trafalgar Law."

A myriad of emotions filled me, but I didn't know why. What the fuck was going on?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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