Chapter 2

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2nd Person POV

You walked into the kitchen to find Yachi making breakfast.

"Morning, Y/n!"

"Shhhhhh. Don't be so loud." You said sitting down


"It's fine just, try and keep it down." She nodded

She sighed and slid your plate to you as well as some Advil and a glass of water.

"I love you."

"It's no problem."

"Ur amazing." You said taking a bite of the French toast she made "And so is your food."

She smiled "Thank you. I'm gonna go see if everyone else is up yet."

Yachi came back and a few minutes later both Jiyu and Mikkusu walked into the kitchen. She put their plates, Advil and water in front of them at the table end they ate.

"Morning." You said as they both groaned at you and you smiled "I'm gonna go wake Akio"

You walked down the hall and went to the last bedroom on the left, yours.

"Akio." You said as you walked in and saw the boy still laying on the bed. "Babe, common, wake up." As you sat on the bed you saw his eyes open for a second then snap back shut. "Hey, I saw that!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, I'm sleeping"

"If you're sleeping then how are you having a conversation with me? You don't talk in your sleep."

"How would you know that?"

"Because you sleep beside me at least once a week." He opened his eyes again and looked at you

"That's true." He sat up

"Yachi made breakfast, go get some."

"Oh, Yachi's cooking is the best."

"Well excuse me."

"Yours is good too" He leaned in to kiss you.

"Nope, you still need to brush your teeth." You put your hand on his face and pushed him away.

"Right. My bad." He got up, put a shirt on and walked to the bathroom.

Akio had his own little drawer in your room where he kept a few spare clothes because he stayed over at your place so often.

Once everyone ate and cleaned up you started your day. Jiyu went to work, Mikkusu went into her room, probably to write, and you went shopping with Yachi and Akio.

"I wish we could go do the fun kind of shopping," Yachi said as you all grabbed the different bags of chips you wanted.

"I know it sucks." You said, throwing a bag into the cart.

One of the worst things about living without your parents was probably grocery shopping. Yeah, there was good food but that just made you hungry and you couldn't even eat anything until you got home. Oh and the unloading and unpacking, that was tiring.

Actually, you hadn't had your parents buy you groceries in a while.

During high school, you lived with Mineo Nishinoya and his grandson Yū Nishinoya because you were in the foreign exchange student program. Mineo was the one who took care of you for three years of your life.

It's not like your biological family wasn't there, you would visit as much as you could and would call them every night. At first, that was hard, mostly for your mom, but eventually, you got used to it. They all knew and understood that you were happier in Japan than you would ever be back in Canada.

No Longer A Student {Nishinoya Yū x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now