I really have no idea what went wrong, how things happened so fast.
All I am right now is heartbreak but I can't show that, I not right now and not ever. I am trained warrior. People called me "child warrior". Till I grew up, people on Aquila on tree clan knows me as the best warrior, the current hedas' bestfriend or should I say ex-lover too.

I am Clarke kom Trikru, daughter of Celeste kom trikru  and Deimos Kom Yujledakru. My mother was a warrior and my father was a healer, a perfect combination right? A warrior and a healer. Well, that is just the beginning of the story.

I was born on Leven, on Broadleaf Clan, far away from polis and trikru. The place itself means Life. Many yujleda people are trained to be a healer, because of its place full of herbals that could use as medicine. Others are patrols and scouts , best known hidden on trees to observe place then report back to heda. Leven is a small village or clan, we live on trees as tree house, its impressive. Some put ladders on trees and some put the ladders inside the trees. The trees are huge, 3people can't hug it but 12 adult could do that's why it's safe to build houses ontop of it.

On top of trees that where the house stand, it's not that big only enough to fit your family. They build the houses closer to each other so that we could put a small bridge that could past through it, I told you, It very impressive.

My dad is from Yujleda. The previous Heda needed best healers to prepare from the war that the Azgeda wanted to begin. They wanted to claim the power of heda and Polis too. At that time, there was only alliances from the other clans. My father was one of the best. He was called and that is where he met my mother. At that time, during war my mother got wounded pretty bad and my father assigned to treat her. She was stubborn, my father said. Always wanted to resume fighting eventhough she was hurt.

After the war they met again, and let's say things change. My father wanted to come back to Yujleda because that is where he grew up and wanted to resume studying the medicine he was working on, but my mom wanted to continue fighting that is before she knew she's pregnant, with me.

They come to Yujleda from my father's wishes. We live there only 3years time then came to Tondc.
That is where I met my bestfriend. After 1 year my father build a home on Aquila near Tondc. But I grew up on Tondc.

After 4 years...

Its early morning, The sun is just beginning to rise on eastern horizon.
I can hear my mother's sword whooshing out on our little yard.
I love seeing my mother train, every moves and tactics she does it just so smart. I wanted to be just like her, my father refused tho saying that fighting is dangerous, but I strongly believe that not learning how to fight is more dangerous. My mom taught me how to fight secretly since the day I could walk. We did it secretly, but I think my father already know it. He was teaching me on medicine too. I'm great full.


good morning nomon", I greet my mother. "good morning goufa, " she replied. "your father and I decided that we should go to Tondc and buy new supplies and gift for your upcoming birthday".

"really nomon?! Mochof!" I exclaimed and run to hug her. I love visiting village.

Comment if u want some more! 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2023 ⏰

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