Chapter Fourteen: The Kindling of a Rebellion

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Chapter Fourteen: The Kindling of a Rebellion

Elsa stood on the balcony that extended out of her room, below her the courtyard was rather full. Not with citizens, or her own milita, rather these were people, ranging from influential senators to the unknowns that had somehow crossed paths with Ahsoka, or one of the others.

"There's another shuttle arriving Elsa." A voice said behind her, turning Elsa saw the very girl she had been thinking about.

"I'm coming, where is this one from?" She asked, turning away and into the room.

"Its the last, Ventress went around and picked up the few she knew couldn't or wouldn't be contacted." Ahsoka explained, stepping into the room, her arms crossed. Since Lux had come, she had taken to wearing her ring on her finger instead of tucked away under her shirt.

"Let's go then." Elsa said, turning and a following the younger woman out of the room.

The arrived in the courtyard to find the ex-assasian Asaji Ventress standing there, she took had changed from the last holo image Elsa had seen. Her hair had grown out, cropped short, she wore an outfit similar to Ahsoka's to lightsabers clipped to her sides, but the were no longer the curved hilts in all pictures. Her expression was also much less hostile then Elsa had seen.

"Glad you made it." Ahsoka said, coming up and giving the other a brief hug.

"There was a blood bath on Coruscant that day, its a miracle the streets weren't stained with it." The woman responded, stepping to the side as the last group of people got off the shuttle, Bail Organa was among them, looking extreamly weighed down.

The last person off was actually another woman, this one with orange hair, and piercing blue eyes, she wore the armor of a Mandalorian warrior, and Ahsoka stepped forward to explain.

"Elsa, this is Bo-Katan Kruze. She was the younger sister of the Duchess of Mandalore." She explained.

"You're highness." Bo-Katan said simply, giving a small nod with her head before turning back to the shuttle and bending down.

"Who's this?" Ahsoka asked, looking more than a little surprised as Bo-Katan re-appeared with a little girl in her arms, around one or two years old.

"You remember the ARC trooper from the 501st named Fives? Remember how he and the rest of the group went to drive Maul from Mandalore's seat? I was the rebel assigned to lead him through the city... This is his daughter. We fell in love. She was born just a few months before he left for that last mission." She explained, her expression that of sadness as she shifted the child in her arms.

Ahsoka gave her a sympathetic look.

"What's her name?" Elsa asked,  giving the child a smile as she looked around her with curious, but shy eyes.

"This is Sabine." Bo-Katan explained, giving the child a small smile, before beginning to follow the two other women back towards the castle.

"Hello little Sabine." Elsa said, watching as the child put her head back on her mother's shoulder. Content to watch the proceedings fromt he safety of her arms...

Later that day Elsa called a meeting, present were Mon Mothman, Bail Organa, Lux, Ahsoka, Bo-Katan, Ventress, and of course her family. They were all gathered in the meeting room across the hall from Elsa's office, they all chattering amongst themselves when Elsa stood up, and the rest of the party silenced themselves and turned their attention to her.

"This has been an awful few weeks, and I know we still have much to recover from. But we need to take the steps now to bring an opposition to this new Empire. For the time being we are protected here, and as long as that is the case, we well keep Arendelle open as a haven for all those seeking shelter... But that also means rules must be set up, we cannot forget that Palpatine is a very powerful man, his ability to find those who oppose him is great. If too many are congregated in one place, he will find us."

"So what are you suggesting Queen Elsa?" Mon Mothma asked, glancing at Organa before turning her attention back to the blonde woman.

"I was conferring with Knight Tano, those that are not force sensitive may come and go as they please, I'm sure we all have our own agendas that have come to our minds since this happened. We should all be free to do as we please in that regard. I also know that not many here are ready to work together, so until and Alliance can be formed we should all be able to go seperate ways." Elsa answered, looking at the other woman for a long moment before turning back to the group as a whole.

"And for those who are?" Ventress asked, crossing her arms and looking slightly annoyed. Elsa frowned slightly before focusing her gaze on the other woman.

"When I discussed this matter we came upon the same result. This can be a place for the young ones, the injured, the sick, the ones who need care, and protection without hiding, they can stay for a time, then the clones will work to find a secure place for them once the time is up... So except those that are given the name of Watchers, there will be a constant movement, one that Palpatine will not pick up on." Elsa explained, finally sitting down and picking up the sheet of paper in front of her.

"Senator Organa, and Knight Tano helped me with these guidelines for Arendelle, I shall read them now. If anyone finds something wrong with them, we can see what we can do about modifying them." Elsa said, clearing her throat before reading the paper.

"In the case of the sanctuary planet Arendelle, all those innocent, who have been opressed by the Empire may come here for relief, safety, and aid. Refugees entering the planet must agree with being scanned for any possible ties to the Empire, if one is found, the threat will be eliminated...
Regarding those that once held title under the Republic, that title will only be recognized to an extent, and cannot be pushed further than the bonds of reason.
For those force sensitive who seek refuge here, they are given a haven for the alloted time of six months. In that time men of the Arendelle Army will work to find a new place for said people to continue their work. But in the case of force sensitive children or infants, they may stay a total of a year. Giving a decent amount of time for a good home, and a decent cover to hide them from the Empires hands...
The only who are excluded from this are the two Ahsoka Tano, and Asaji Ventress, who will remain in Arendelle as Watchers, until they give up that title and take their seperate ways, then a new guardian will be picked from those associated with the planet and the cycle will continue..." Elsa did not read the small legal prattle at the end, she simple stopped and looked up, reading the expresssions around her, all were thoughtful, and grim.

"That works." Bo-Katan commented, speaking for the first time, shifting her sleeping daughter in her arms. Nods came around the table, and finally Lux cleared his throat.

"Its settled then. We have our plans set out. I say we call this meeting adjorned, and see about setting up our spies and such." He offered, nods again, and the body of the group turned to Elsa, waiting for her persmission to leave.

She gave a single nod of her head and stood, the others quickly following. Rex came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"Elsa, you know what you just did?" He asked, kissing her temple softly.

"What?" She asked, looking confused, as she turned her head to look up at him.

"You just started the foundations of a rebellion." Rex answered something between a smile and a grim look on his face.

"What are you saying? Most of these don't even have thoughts that coexist with each other, let alone the patience and planning to form a competent stand." She answered, frowning slightly. Rex chuckled and kissed her neck, causing her to close her eyes briefly.

"Maybe not now, but they'll be working around each other for some time now... You laid the kindling Elsa, now all it needs is a spark, and a new hope will rise up just like a fire."

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