People Irkkkkk ME!!!!🤬

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As much as I love certain artists. I love each of them for different reasons. It annoys me like hell that a(one) particular fandom that I will NEVER claim, which is an artist I love, seeks to constantly destroy other entertainers. However someone recently brought to my attention that their obsession over their person is due to that it's all they know because they were the biggest entertainer during their childhood. That's all well and cool but have RESPECT for the people who paved their person's way. Don't discredit the work others have done in order for your person to be where they are. It’s not about inflated numbers and hype. It about a genuine love for what these artist craft and allow us to hear. Let's be real about the entertainment industry, just because they create art to entertain us does not mean we get an automatic pass into their lives. Stop inflating and discrediting others because you look stupid. Most other fandoms don't argue with yall because you're delusional. The obsession to constantly put their person above others with made up facts and quotes kills me. At the end of the day each entertainer is different embrace their differences and stop trying to tear other people down. Especially because these people share so many commonalities.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk, have a nice day.

I'm just annoyed 😒 cause I'm over people constantly arguing for no reason.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 11, 2021 ⏰

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