Chapter 5

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This was originally going to take WAY longer than I expected, but nonetheless this chapter is short cuz I love cutting off at cliff hangers
I'm so sorry this took SO long to get out, I got sick AND I had to rewrite this whole chapter due to me being extremely dissatisfied with it
Without further ado, enjoy!
Me and Dot eventually woke up, getting up from where we were. I felt very sluggish but we had to get up regardless because we were still searching for Wakko. I picked up my bag and Dot came along as well, tagging behind me. We started walking down the sidewalk, it was a pretty long walk until we stopped and took a break by a tree. Dot leaned on my shoulder and sighing.
I wasn't going to give up easily on finding my brother, I wasn't. I know he's still alive out there and I think Dotty knew too. We took a small nap for about an hour or so, he probably wasn't near us right?

— Pov change because I'm like that lol —
I was walking down a sidewalk, I was suppose to get on the train in the next hour or so but I didn't have anything else better to do really. Besides, I wanted to take a breather from doing so much work. Trust me, it's tiring to do so much work for just a simple Hay Penny. Job after job, but it was worth it for a Hay Penny, even though the jobs were tough.

— Now back to Yakkos pov —
I woke up and saw a figure that looked somewhat like that him? I rubbed my eyes to try to get a clearer picture but I couldn't see worth a damn. I shook Dot softly and she woke up, she looked up at me and tilting her head. I pointed at the figure that was a few miles away, Dot tried to get a closer look but she couldn't see who it was either.
We decided it would've been a good idea to investigate to see if it was really him, I could be VERY wrong but there's no harm in seeing right? We got up and started walking towards whoever this is. But upon taking a few steps, we lost them. Before we did, we saw the person walk to a train station, could that be actually him?
I dashed towards the train station as Dot followed me. I cant believe I really found him! It's really Wakko! After searching for so long, me and Dot finally found him! it really him...? It's unclear... We ended up making our way to the train station but the train had already left. We had to wait the next 3 hours for the next train to come by. So we waited and waited... and finally the train arrived. We got on the train and headed to where that person was going... back home? It caught me off guard but eh, it didn't bother me.
All I know is that it's gonna be a long ride...probably a couple hours, who knows really...
As I promised, here's the cliff hanger, sorry not sorry lol

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