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The Outsider


Her father had gone to Hedeby, no surprise there. Although he loved his children, he had never looked at their mother the way he looked at Lagertha. It made Tyra sad sometimes, especially when she could see her mother wanted to be loved desperately but was too proud to show it. Since their conversation about her joining her father on the raid to England they hadn't really spoken.

But whenever she began to feel even remotely sad, her brothers and friends were there too. Ulf had managed to capture Brüna's attention fully so those two didn't come round much anymore, apparently too busy with their new life. Agmuntr and Bjartr however were constant, some people in Kattegat believed they were the children of Loki, always causing some kind of mischief which Tyra was happy to join in on. 

The twins and herself were currently sat on the beach, Bjartr breaking the news that he was going with Björn. The whole conversation went by rather smoothly, and to no surprise Agmuntr had offered to join since the twins had never been apart from one another. It wouldn't be a surprise if later on in life they shared a bride. 

"I'm just saying, given the choice I would much rather fuck a horse than a cow." Agmuntr defended, the three of them having been talking about nonsense for a while. 

"Your penis wouldn't be big enough to reach the horse," Tyra pointed out, whittling a small warrior. 

The elder twin shrugged, "Then the male horse would have to come from behind." Bjartr, who had been drinking mead spit it out in shock whilst Tyra coughed, trying to hide her amused expression. Agmuntr was never shy everyone could agree to that. 

"Okay, okay, next question. Would you rather marry a Christian or a slave?" Bjartr asked once he and Tyra had calmed down, not inly to try and get the image from his head. 

The blonde pondered the question with a thoughtful look on her face, "What's the difference?" 

Agmuntr snorted but before they could continue a yell came from the top of the beach. "TYRA!" Turning around, she saw it was her brother Sigurd. "What could he want now?" Bjartr and Agmuntr weren't the biggest fan of her blonde brother, not.only because he treated almost everyone like they were worth less than himself, but also because of Ivar who they had formed a strange friendship with. 

"By the Gods, I wish I didn't have to find out." Tyra stood and brushed the sand from her breaches, having opted out of a dress today. She leant forward and kissed both brothers on the cheek, "I will see you later, don't die whilst I'm gone." 

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