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Honorary Knight! A dragon is attacking Mondstadt!” “Honorary Knight, I need help for my research.” “Honorary Knight, Klee Received a mysterious letter from DodoKing.”

Honorary Knight... Time isn't enough to even reflect on who you are and what you're looking for.

When she goes back to the Sereniteapot, there's no one around to welcome her. Just the cat she bought with the traveling spirit. Or maybe the boars she got. But nothing is enough. She feels so alone. But she's the Honorary Knight, and without her, Teyvat would die.

She spends the night having dinner alone at the long table, even when she cooked enough for twelve persons. She wish someone would be there with her. But she's the Honorary Knight, right?

And what with that? She may have lots of titles, but there's something she misses; Company. She already forgot what does it feels like.

She spends the whole day talking with people in the city, protecting them from the monsters, she's not alone at all, is she? And her friends, such as Noelle, Amber and so many people she met in her journey, that's not the kind of company she wishes to have.

She wants someone to hug her everytime she's down.

She wants someone to heal her wounds after a long battle.

She wants someone to spend the night with, looking at the stars, remembering where they came from and where they're going to.

She wants him to be here, and not her brother.

It is the blonde man with a half-face mask. The man with royal blue clothes and star eyes. The man that she met when she found her brother. Dainsleif is his name, and she needs him to be here.

Remembering his name makes Lumine choke with the stew she was eating. She wishes someone would be here to tap on her back and asks her if she was alright. His deep voice asking her if she was okay.

And as long as she still be the Honorary Knight, there's no time for resting on her schedule. Not even time for reflecting about her feelings.

At the next day, she asks for free days. She realizes she need time for herself, and already know what to do.

Lumine goes to Angel's Share, where Dainsleif usually goes. She looks around and he's at the table situated at the very end of the tavern, aside from the other drinkers.

She walks towards the table and sees him having a drink alone, and starts questioning if she should bother him. He's so calm right now.

She taps his shoulder, and he turns his head to look at her, at first, surprised, but then he smiles as he enjoy her company.

—“Oh? I wasn't expecting meeting you here” —He says as he lifts his alcohol-free drink. —“Come take a seat, I'll order you something, okay?” —Lumine does nothing but nod and sit.

When she was sitting on the table, her eyes couldn't stop staring at him. She doesn't know what to talk about with him, she just wanted to spend the night with someone.

Dainsleif realizes her eyes are fixated on him, and chuckles.

—“Is something on my face, or why are you so focused on me?” —Dainsleif jokes. —“Or am I more handsome than that Fatui boy, or even that Adeptus?”

Lumine goes back to reality and realizes what she was doing. She gets nervous and starts to stutter. She is used to Dainsleif's questions, but still, it is inevitable to feel so nervous when her feelings are messed up.

—“Eh?” —She just answers. —“No... I was just thinking...”

—“And what are you thinking, huh?” —Dainsleif was known as the Bought Keeper for something.

Something you need to Know (Dainslumi)Where stories live. Discover now