Karoline's Story

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I don't know what to do anymore. I was never on my own like this before. I've always had my brother with me. He always took care of me. He protected me. He taught me how to feed, how to live amongst the crowd.

That is until he met Elijah. Then my brother started feeding more and more. After that, he started teaching me how to kill without regret or guilt. I pretended that I felt nothing, but in reality it tore me apart.

Elijah knew. he taught me -secretly- how to feed without killing and how to compell them to forget. It was more humane Elijah's way.

All three of us were a team until Elijah got married. She was human, but she had no idea what we were.

Until she caught me feeding.

She ran and told her brother. Victor told me to go home. He said he would fix this. I listened to him, and I waited for him to come back. 

When he did, he was covered in blood. Human blood. He murdered them and he didn't hesitate to tell me about it. I wasn't afraid. I knew he did it to protect me. He always did.

Then I was found out. It turned out that Elijah's wife wasn't the only witness. The townsfolk went looking for me. Victor told me to run and never look back. He said that he would turn them off of my trail. He also said that I couldn't come back for a long time. I've been in the clear ever since. 

I haven't contacted him since I left. He wanted me to be completely under the radar. I faked my death to make that happen. 

Unfortunately Victor thought it was real. He turned into a monster. He never showed mercy. He took every life of Elijah's family. He went insane after he heard I 'died' and turned into a murderous monster.

Every time I try to cantact Victor, he goes into a frenzy. He thinks he's imagining my voice in his head. I need him to get over that. 

Elijah is dead and I need my big brother, otherwise my life may as well end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2013 ⏰

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