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"Uhm Lydia? Are you okay? You're unusually quiet." Malia asks while helping her best friend pack.

"I can't just leave Malia, can I?" Lydia answered with a question.

Malia stopped folding Lydia's clothes and looked confused towards her.

"What do you mean? Of course, you can, and you should. I'm gonna get out of this town as soon as possible!" Malia answered.

Lydia looks towards Malia with a sad glimmer in her eyes.

"I mean, everything that's going on with Stiles...shouldn't I.... stay and be there for him? Help him get back on his feet? I mean he did just have an accident and he could've died! And I'm his ... girlfriend... right? So I should be there for him." Lydia explains more to herself than to Malia.

Malia searched for words to make Lydia feel better but she knew Lydia was right.

"Look, Lydia. Why don't you go visit Stiles? Is he even in the hospital anymore?"

Lydia knew what Malia was trying to say. She knew she needed to talk to Stiles, sooner or later. Both of them never discussed what would happen to their relationship when they go separate ways. They'd probably only see each other in the holidays or thanksgiving. Maybe they should do it today since Lydia is leaving on Monday, which is in 2 days.

"Yeah, I should talk to him. I just realized that we both didn't even talk about everything that's going on between us. We should do that, maybe then I can leave without having all this nonsense on my mind..." Lydia said.

Malia nodded and walked over to Lydia. She put her arms around her and hugged her tightly.

"Great idea, Lydia. But now let's continue packing so you don't have to worry about that anymore." Malia proposed.

"Good idea and after that, I call Stiles and ask him if he's still in the hospital or not and if we can talk," Lydia added.

With that, both continued packing. Malia wasn't normally that open to talk about Stiles but this just showed Lydia that she wasn't the only one who cared about her best friend. No, Malia cared about her too.


This is a very short chapter but I've realized that I totally left out Lydia and Malia and I really wanted them to be in this book so yeah. 

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