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Name :: Morningstalk

Meaning of prefix :: she was born in the early morning

Meaning of suffix :: for her hunting skills

Gender :: female

Sexuality :: bi-curious

Age :: 59 moons

Rank :: senior warrior

Positive traits :: loyal, intelligent and trustworthy

Negative traits :: harsh, apathetic and cold

Detailed personality :: Morningstalk is a she cat who is loyal to her clan, however that doesn't entirely mean her clanmates aswell. Her opinion on her clanmates differs to each cat; though she has firm beliefs and a strong love for her clan. It was where she was born afterall. Morningstalk is intelligent; having lived through many seasons and learnt many things. It's also made her somewhat cold towards others and their feelings; viewing other cats feelings as insignificant or getting annoyed if they make a big deal out of little things. She may not be the clans favorite cat, but she's trusthworthy, an amazing hunter and never one to let others down when it comes to serving the clan.

Allegiance appearance :: a scarred cream tabby she cat with green eyes

Detailed appearance :: Morningstalk is a tall and lean she cat with a muscular build. She has short, cream fur with stripped tabby markings and several scars from battle. Her tail is long and thin; and her fur is short and coarse with a somewhat rough texture. She has green eyes with white markings underneath them

Mother :: Briarbreeze

Father :: Shelleyes

Siblings :: Dawnhare(sister) and Suncurl(brother)

Likes :: classic things like hunting, serving her clan and sunbathing

Dislikes :: traitors to the clan,  code breakers and other clans/gatherings

Strengths :: a amazing hunter, good at advice and rational

Weaknesses :: can be uncaring towards other cats feelings, emotionally distant, and hostile towards other clans



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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