Chapter 9: The Loving Day

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Esme and Erik are enjoying the afternoon eating lunch, they have ordered their food and they are talking while enjoying their meal. "Wow this is really good" Esme says as she ordered pasta, "Right" Erik says as he enjoys his lasagna. Esme takes a minute from eating, "Erik" she says, "Mm" he says as his mouth his stuffed, "We never really talked about what happened last night, I remember half of it but I know what happened" Esme says, Erik looks at Esme all concerned, "Nothing happened.. I tried taking you home, you wouldn't let me, i got into a fight with that Tyler guy..nothing else happened" Erik says as he doesn't want to mention that his arm was cut in front of everyone, "Yea something did happen.." Esme says as she try's to think of what happened, then her eyes widen as she remembers, "Oh my god, Tyler cut your arm, let me see your arm" Esme says as she puts her hand on Erik's arm as Erik pulls away, "No that didn't happen" he says, "Yes it did, I remember, let me see Erik" Esme says as she grabs Erik's arm and takes a look, Erik is feeling self conscious. Esme takes a look at Erik's arm and is confused, "Wait what happened to your cut" she says questionably, Erik looks at Esme as he pulls his arm away, "I'm fine, i didn't get cut or anything" he says as he try's to play it off, "No I swear I saw you get cut" Esme says enigmatic, "No I didn't look.. it's all fine" Erik says as he shows his arm to Esme. Esme is still confused, she saw everything and remembered! The two stay quiet as they finish their meal, "Here you go" the waitress says as he gives them their check, Erik takes out his wallet to pay, "No no I'll pay" Esme says, "No it's ok, I will" Erik says as he wants to pay, "No Erik really.. let me" Esme insists as she goes into her bag to get her money out, "No Esme let me please" Erik says, Esme looks at Erik and smiles, "Thanks Erik" she says, Erik smiles back "Of course" he replies. The two get up and leave the restaurant, "Thanks for the lunch" Esme says as the two are walking to Erik's car, "Of course" Erik replies, as they look at each other and smile. Erik and Esme get inside the car, Erik thinks of what the two should do, "So what would you like to do" Erik says, "Um.. I don't know, I don't really care" Esme replies, Erik thinks of what to do, he then has an idea. "You wanna go to Marina Del Ray" he says, Esme smirks at Erik "Sure" she says, Erik turns on the car as they drive down to Marina Del Ray.
Lyle is in Santa Monica along with Sarah, Kate, Daniel, and Matt. The rest of the friends enjoy playing in the water, Lyle is sitting on the sand as he watches over them, Sarah gets out of the water to get a drink, "You sure you don't wanna come in" she says, "Nah, I didn't bring my swimming trunks" Lyle says, "You don't need trunks to get in" Sarah says all cheesy, Lyle looks up at Sarah seriously, "I said no" he says, Sarah urges Lyle to get into the water, She grabs him by his hand and starts pulling him "Come on let's go" she says, Lyle is mad, as Sarah won't leave him alone. Lyle gets up and gets close to Sarah "I said no, now get the fuck off me before I rip your fucking head off" Lyle says angrily as he compels Sarah and pushes her hand away, Sarah's face turns befuddled, she then turns around and goes back into the water, Lyle sits back down on the sand, as he relaxes.
40 minutes go by, Sarah, Kate, Daniel, and Matt decide it's time to go, they get out the water and head over to their spot, "Already" Lyle says, "Were gonna go eat" Matt says, Lyle gets up and wipes the sand off his pants, "Wanna come Joseph" Kate says, " thank you, me and Sarah have something to do actually" Lyle says nicely, "Ok" Kate says, Sarah looks over at Lyle all confused "We do" she says, Lyle looks straight into Sarah's eyes and compels her, "Yes we do" he says, Sarah's face changes "Oh yea we do" she says, Lyle looks at her and smiles to try and keep it cool. The group gets their stuff and makes their way to Matt's car, they put their stuff in the trunk as they get ready to leave, Matt overlooks at Lyle, "Hey man it was nice meeting you" he says as he pulls his hand out to shake Lyles hand, "Nice meeting you to" Lyle says as he smiles and shakes Matt's hand, Daniel too pulls his hand out, "Nice meeting you man" he says, Lyle smiles and shakes Daniels hand as well, "Nice meeting you too" he says. The group gets into the car and drive away, Sarah is left with Lyle, "What are we gonna do" she says, Lyle grabs Sarah by the hand, "You'll see" he says as he takes her into his car and leave Santa Monica.
Erik and Esme are walking on the beach at Marine Del Ray, as they are walking they talk about their fun moments, "Yea I swear it was this big" Esme says as she creates a size by her fingers, "Oh my god, and how long did you have it for" Erik says, "For like a week, it was so embarrassing" Esme says as she and Erik laugh. The both continue walking along the beach shore, "Esme I've been wanting to talk to you about Lyle" Erik says, Esme stops walking and looks at Erik, "It's ok Erik really, I met your brother unexpectedly, it's not like something happened" Esme says, "No.. I should of told you, it's just.. things aren't right, right now" Erik says, "Erik.." Esme says, "Lyle and I are sort of like..having a thing, that's why I didn't mention him to you" Erik says, "I'm sorry to hear..but it would of been nice to know, what if I met him like in 5 months" Esme says, "Yea I know, I know" Erik says, Esme looks at Erik in the eyes "I have a younger brother, his name is Steven, he's a sophomore" Esme says as Erik listens, "He's a smart and confident kid" Esme says, "I make sure to protect him at all times..ever since my mom got cancer, he's been differently lately, sometimes I look at him and I don't even recognize the Steven I grew up with..but hey..we all have stories you know" Esme says, Erik feels sorry for Esme, "The Steven you know is in there..He'll come out eventually, don't worry" Erik says as he smiles at Esme, Esme looks at Erik and smiles as well. The sun begins set.

To Love a Menendez حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن