Chapter 6: Visit from the past

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Author’s note:

Okay guys, before I get into this chapter I would like to clarify some things that have bothered me – I really love getting the comments on how much you love this story and the first book and I know that it has taken me a while to update but I have a lot of things going on. I’m a student teacher and they have recently put me in a position where I have my own classes and dealing with kids all day is extremely exhausting and to add to that I have sport, drama and my studies that I have to deal with after the kids go home, so I am terribly sorry if I can’t update as frequently.

Also, I have received some comments about this story surrounding One Direction – yes, I picture them as characters and this story is somewhat a fanfic, but there is no need to say that you have my story because of the fact that the boys are the main characters. If you like my writing and you like the plot then feel free to imagine the characters as someone else. Anyway – let’s get back to the story....



Previously on Gang War 2:

“What the fuck is wrong with you? You nearly gave me a heart attack.” She shouted, standing up from the chair, she folded her arms in front of her chest.

“Good.” I countered, confusion flushed on her features as she stared at me. “Excuse me?”

“Your husband is sitting in his office crying his fucking eyes out, baring his vulnerability and feeling guilty because he thinks he is the reason for your sudden change in behaviour.” I hated raising my voice at a woman, but she needed this. She needed to be snapped back to reality and the realization that she had two people depending on her and that not everything revolved around her.

I continued. “You have been keeping this front for too long and I won’t have it anymore. He’s breaking day by day and the only one that can fix him is you, so if you won’t come clean, I will.” Her sadness changed to anger in less than a second.

“Don’t you dare threaten me; you have no idea what I’ve been through...” I stopped her, raising my hand and cutting her off.

“And here we go again. Everyone should feel so sorry for Skye. News flash baby girl, you chose this life and you had the opportunity to get out of it, but no you chose to stay, so either you fucking tell him that you remember every single thing or so help me God, I will.” I stopped to catch my breath, staring her down.

“You fucking remember?” My heart stopped, my breath caught in my throat and the entire room started to spin as he spoke...









My heart was hammering against my chest at a rapid rate that I could have sworn it was about to burst out, grow legs and run far away, leaving me gaping like a goddamned fish, unable to speak. The look of horror plastered on his face shook me back to the realization that my secret was going to hurt so many people if I were to come out now. God, I had many opportunities to open up and spill the beans, but no, I was a fucking coward. All I wanted was for Harry to treat me better, not that he never has, but I needed that, I needed him to be... gentle, sweet and caring like the first time we met. I was selfish and if I had it any other way, I would have gone back and told him as soon as the slithers of my memory started to piece back together.

Gang War 2: Happily ever after? (#WATTYS2017)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن