Untitled Part 1

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Once upon a time, there lived a small boy his name was CHICKU. He was so poor that he could not afford money for even basic requirements. His father was a rag picker so his salary was around was $300 per month and his family could hardly got some food and because of their poorness CHICKU was also not able to go to school but whenever he looked to the sky he found it fascinating that why are what are the twinkling objects that are in the sky? what is their name ?and what is the role of them in the sky? why do they only come at night? n many more questions. He always observed hard but until nd unless he won't go to school he wouldn't be able to get answer of all of his questions. He knew that if I want to go to school then I have to arrange money but how? I don't have any source of income and my father will also not give me any money then how can I go to school? He thought that he could work in a restaurant to get money. He went to the restaurant and asked them to take him as a worker and they took him on a salary of around $1000. He was supposed to wash the utensils. He was determined and did his job perfectly and after a month got a salary of $1000. He thought that now I will be able to go to school but his problems were not finished yet. When he told his parents that he works in a restaurant that gives him a salary of $1000 then his father took all of his money and told him that he will use this money for the household works, going to school is just pointless you don't Their is no need to go to school just earn money like this for the house. CHICKU was depressed and wanted to get his money back but he can't.  

  Well as I told you readers that CHIKU was a determined boy so he didn't got just stopped and now has to think of an another way to earn money.

He went to an old man who was sitting in a temple. The old man told him that money is not everything and if you actually want to earn any money then help other people because the biggest money is the blessings that you get from the needy people after that he just got to his home and saw an old man carrying a lot of luggage with her he helped that old women nd got blessing from her.

After helping many needy people like this for few days.....

He saw a young man going on cycle with a few paper works with him. He accidently fall from the cycle an his all paper works were spoilt. CHICKU rushed toward him and asked him are you fine? He said no these are so many paper works that have spoilt on the road. CHICKU  said don't worry let me help you. CHICKU helped him that man was impressed by CHICKU and had never seen such a goods boy. He was the principal of the nearby school and by seeing CHICKU's good behaviour he asked him to give free admission in his school. CHICKU was very glad because now he was now getting admission in a school and could now study. He said yes he would like to get admission in the school.

He had now got admission in a school for free and was very glad and happy.

MORAL- Money is not everything but blessings are that is why don't run behind money but behind blessings. 

Thank You

THE BLESSINGSTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon