Christmas Necklace

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Carina's POV

So a lot has happened since the Halloween break in by my uncle. Sir Cadagon has taken over the Fat Lady's duties as guardian of the Gryffindor common room temporally while her portrait is repaired. He's driving everyone nuts, changing the passwords nearly daily. 

The weather was terrible on the lead up to the first quidditch match of the season. Which Gryffindor lost, due to the dementors appearing at the match and Harry falling off of his broom. Which was smashed to bits by the Whomping Willow. Madame Pomfrey kept him in the hospital wing over night.

Professor Snape substituted Professor Lupin's classes while her recovered from a full moon. He set us an essay on who to identify a werewolf. Hermione and I did the essay together. She figured out Professor Lupin's secret. I made her promise not to say anything.

Anyway I won my first quidditch match of the year with Ravenclaw. We flatten Hufflepuff. Which puts us in the lead so far for the Quidditch cup.

Two weeks before the end of term: The sky lightens and grounds frost over. I went to Hogsmeade with Hermione and Ron. We got cornered by my dear cousin Draco at the shrieking shack. But an invisible force throw snowballs at him and his goons. Making them runaway scared. We all laughed as Harry took off his invisibility cloak. Hermione and Ron took Harry to the Three Broomsticks while I went and did last minute Christmas shopping.

I then returned to the castle and leave some food out for Snuffles. I turn into an owl and fly into a tree. He soon appears and I hoot flying down to a lower branch. He looks up at me. Once I'm sure he won't see me as food I flying down landing in front of him. He sits down looking at me intrigued. I notice he has grey eyes and frown. Dogs don't have grey eyes.

I fly further from him and turn human. He yelps in surprise. "I won't hurt you boy" I tell him. I point to the food. "Go on, I leave it for you" I tell him. He looks at it then me wagging his tail. "I'm Carina and you're Snuffles" I state and he snorts in annoyance. Making me giggle. "Not a fan ha? We'll find a different name then" I tell him.

"Anyway I gotta go see my friend Hermione, see you later boy" I tell him and go to leave. He blocks my way and I look at him. He licks my hand. "You're welcome boy, stay out of trouble" I tell him before going to the library.

"There you are Carina, did you know?" she asks me.

"Know what?" I ask her as I put my book bag down.

"About Sirius Black?" she asks me.

"What about him?" I ask her confused.

"That he's Harry's godfather and was Harry's parents secret keeper?" she asks me.

"No, I did not" I tell her. "I told you, I never meet the man. I mean I did once. He's the one who dropped me off at my aunt's after my dad died. But I was a baby" I state. "My family don't talk about him" I state.

"Well Harry is angry and wants to kill Sirius Black, he thinks you knew and kept it secret" she tells me.

"But I didn't" I tell her.

"I know that, but maybe steer clear of him for awhile" she tells me.

"Fine, lets get to work I want to be able to enjoy our winter holiday" I tell her. She nods her head and we get to work.

(Time skip)

I woke up on Christmas morning alone in my dorm. I see a pile of presents at the end of my bed. I grab the one from Mrs Weasley first. I put on the new blue and bronze Ravenclaw knitted jumper. I then open my other gifts from my family and friend. I frown when I find an odd present. I'd already opened one from everyone, including Harry. Who barely talks to me.

I open the present to reveal an antique silver locket with a sapphire stone. I try to open it, but it won't budge. It's beautiful though. So I put it on and look for a note. But find none. I shrug it off and go down to breakfast. I spot Hermione and join her.

"Where did you get that?" she asks me looking at my new necklace.

"It was a gift, no note though. Isn't it gorgeous?" I ask her.

"Yes, it's lovely" she says with a frown.

"What's wrong?" I ask her confused.

"I got one just like it, but it's gold with a ruby. Could you open yours?" she asks me.

"Nope, but I love it" I tell her with a smile. "You should wear yours, we can be twins" I tell her.

"Can you imagine if we were twins?" she asks me.

"It'd be great, I always wanted a sister" I tell her.

"Same, by the way Harry got a Firebolt" she tells me.

"No way, lucky bastard" I mutter. She gives me a look. But makes no comment.

"Anyway I have to speak to Professor McGonagall after breakfast" she tells me.

"That's fine, I'm going to go to the owlery and owl my family" I tell her. "Do you want to hang out after lunch?" I ask her. She nods her head. I finish breakfast and went to the owlery. I sent a letter to my family and decide to go for a walk. On my way I see Professor McGonagall holding a Firebolt. Strange.

I shake it off and head for the lake. Where I am joined by Snuffles, I haven't thought of a new name for him yet. I give him a knitted scarf. We walked around the lake before I went back to the castle for lunch.

Where I notice Harry and Ron are ignoring Hermione again. She told me about telling McGonagall about the Firebolt thinking it was from Sirius Black. So it was confiscated to be tested for jinxes. "I also told her about our necklaces, she wishes to examine them too" she tells me. I sigh sadly and take mine off. I gave it to McGonagall as we left to go hang out.


Picture above of the necklaces and picture on the external link of Harry's Firebolt.

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