Next morning

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Y/n's POV
I wanted to sleep on the couch, but Tom insisted that I would sleep in his bed and he would sleep on the couch. I knew he wouldn't give up, so I did it anyway.

The next day I stood up early so I could make breakfast. I always made pancakes. Then I realized that Tom was still sleeping on the couch, so I had to be quiet. When I was done and had eaten I changed closed so I could go for a run. I quickly wrote a note what said I was going for a run and just when I closed the front door, I heard two people talk. I guess Harry and Sam are up, I thought.

The whole time I was running I was thinking about my little bit embarrassing moment of yesterday. Why did I have to do that? Well, Tom seemed really nice when we where talking. And he's kinda cute. And funny. And sweet. And... well I think I should stop. He probably doesn't even like me at all. And certainly not after I scared him...

Tom's POV
When I woke up Harry and Sam where eating pancakes in the kitchen. I was very hungry so I ate with them. "Y/n is going for a run, she will back back in an hour I guess" Harry said. "Okay" I replied. I remembered having a really weird dream last night. That y/n and me where dating? The weirdest thing is, most of the time when I remember a dream I had, the dream comes true. But this couldn't right? No, it's probably just a normal dream. But still, it's weird. Just that I dreamed that is weird. They always say that what you push away in your thoughts during the day comes back in your dreams...
(btw this is a real fact lol) No, it can't. Right? No, it just can't. I guess? Ugh, I have to stop thinking about this!

Y/n's POV
When I came back everyone was up, Harrison was there too and we all just talked a little bit. I could feel someone was staring at me. I looked around and I saw Tom quickly looking away. Was he staring at me? Maybe he does like me. No, he doesn't, I'm pretty sure about that. I picked up my phone and just scrolled through Instagram, when I felt someone looking at me again. And yes, when I looked up Tom quickly looked away again. I didn't want to make it uncomfortable because Harry and Sam where still in the room to, so I texted him.

Me: Hi

Tom: Hi? Why are you texting me we're literally in the same room haha

Me: I wanted to ask you something but didn't want to make it uncomfortable because Harry and Sam are in the room too

Tom: Okay? What do you want to ask

Me: Where you staring at me?

Tom: What no! Why would you think that?

Me: Well it felt like someone did and when I looked around it seemed like you quickly looked away

Tom: Oh that eh, no I was just staring at Tessa behind you

Me: Tom, Tessa isn't in the room

~He didn't reply for a minute~

Tom: I meant like I remembered when she was laying there last week when she was playing with her new ball

Me: Oh okay, I just wanted to ask

Tom: Okay

He wasn't thinking about Tessa. He was staring at me. I knew it. It just took to long for a response when I said Tessa wasn't in the room. And if he was thinking about Tessa, why would he look away when I looked up?

Tom's POV
While we were talking I couldn't help it staring at y/n. Was it the light or something or is she just so pretty? I think she felt that I was looking at her because she looked at me and I quickly looked away. Shit, did she see me? When she looked away again automatically looked at her again. I didn't know why, I just did. That giggle that she makes when someone says something funny is the cutest. She looked at me again and I quickly looked away again. Then she picked up her phone and a few seconds later a felt mine buzzing in my pocket. I took it out and I saw she texted me. Why would she text me we're literally in the same room? I smiled a little.
Shit. She saw me looking at her. What do I have to say?! Eh...ehhh...Tessa! I texted something back but then she said Tessa wasn't in the room. Shit. Oh my god why do I have to be so stupid?! Eh...ehhh... Just say she was playing with a new toy last week! Yeah, that is a good one. I guess she noticed that it took me longer to response because I saw her looking at me in the corner of my eye. Hopefully she believes me, because if she doesn't she maybe don't want to hang out with me or something... Why am I so stupid?! Just send it before she already knows it's not true. I send it and she stopped with texting me so I guess she believed me.

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