Sweater Weather

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                                   Harry's POV
I pulled on my invisibility cloak and left quietly as possible, sneaking out to meet Draco near the quidditch field to take a late night stroll around the beautiful autumn campus. I stepped out into the crisp night air and then waited for Draco to arrive, already getting butterflies thinking about when he does. After a few minutes I heard some leaves and twigs breaking behind me and turn around to see him looking perfect as ever. The wind making his light blonde hair swoop all over his face, wearing a Slytherin sweater and dark pants, also carrying a broom for some reason? I looked at him confused and asked "Why'd you bring your broom?" He smirked "Let's go for a ride." I grinned a bit, but also hesitated due to the possibility of getting caught. "Are you sure we should do that?" He suddenly put his legs around the broom and motioned his hand towards the back "Hop on cutie." I blushed and did as he said and he took off into the night sky. I enjoyed the feeling of the wind on my face and I enjoyed holding on tight to Draco even more. He started to go super high and fast laughing as I shouted at him to stop. He suddenly slowed down turning towards me and caressed my cheek "You look perfect tonight." Before I could even answer he leaned in and kissed me gently as I did the same. He pulled away when I asked "Do you think we could go to the ground now? I'm getting a bit cold?" He grinned at me "Take my sweater." I blushed "Won't you be cold?" He shrugged and nodded his head no "I'll be fine." I took his sweater and threw it over me and smiled to myself because it smelt amazing and it felt so incredibly comfy to be wearing. He looked over at me and his eyes softened for a second before saying "Now you look even more perfect." We kissed one more time before flying back off into the night sky to finish our ride.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2021 ⏰

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