Viktor Krum + Renja Poliakoff/Charlie Weasley

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The Krums moved from Bulgaria to Digbeth, Birmingham, England. 

Viktor continued to play Quidditch for the Bulgaria National Quidditch Team for a few years. He is a professional quidditch referee for the British and Irish League and took a position at Hogwarts teaching Flying where his boyfriend, Charlie, also works. 

Renja was a Sports journalist and met Viktor doing interviews and articles covering the Quidditch World Cup. She married and had two children with him before she died.

Charlie continued to work with dragons and the Dragon Sanctuaries all around Europe. He is a liaison between the reserves and the Ministry of Magic. He currently teaches Magizoology at Hogwarts.

Family Blood Status: Pure-Blood

Viktor Krum: Portrayed by Alexander Skarsgard

Viktor Krum: Portrayed by Alexander Skarsgard

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Charlie Weasley: Portrayed by Michael Fassbender

Charlie Weasley: Portrayed by Michael Fassbender

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