Stressed Out Dragon

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Carlos DeVil was many things. A tech genius. A kid from the Isle of the Lost. A former cynophobe. A member of the Championship winning Tourney Team. A current member of the R.O.A.R. team. Not the best with asking girls out.

What he was not? Prepared to see one of his three best friends transform into a dragon before his very eyes.

Sure he knew Mal was stressed, how could he not? To go from sixteen years of living in the shadows of the barrier, scheming and staying out of sight to being thrusted into the spotlight as she was paraded around Auradon on the arm of the King? That was a lot to ask someone to get used to in just six months.

So it was pretty understandable when he saw Mal rush into his dorm, closing the door on the throngs of reporters who were clamoring after her. Carlos even understood why she locked the door. Hell he would too after seeing that.

But the purple smoke surrounding Mal was not something Carlos understood. The glowing green eyes, Mal throwing her head back...all of these things were new territory for the younger boy and when the smoke cleared he had a dragon in his bedroom.

And said dragon was standing between him and the locked door. Not to mention said dragon also looked kinda angry. At him.

Carlos was in no way ashamed to admit that he dove out of his open window, not realizing in his panic that he'd left Dude on the bed. All Carlos was concerned about was finding probably the one person who could turn Mal back.

"Jay! Jay, Jay, Jay!" Carlos shouted as he burst into Evie's dorm. Sure it was also Mal's dorm but Evie had finally cornered Jay into getting a suit fitting for Cotillion.

"Hey Carlos," Jay chuckled. "Come to rescue me from Evie's clutches?"

" our...dorm..."

"Why? What's up?" Jay asked, the amused look shifting to concern as Carlos continued to pant, resting his hands on his thighs.

"Everything okay?" Lonnie asked as she poked her head in, presumably there to keep her spot as the next appointment Evie had for the day.

"Yeah, we could hear Carlos yelling from the quad," Emir nodded as he and Akiho walked in as well. No one was quite sure why they'd come in but they were always welcomed.

"I'm not sure," Evie said with a slight frown. "Carlos just burst in saying that he needed Jay in their dorm."

Jay shook his head. "Carlos, if Chad's using your 3D Printer again, just tell him to leave. You don't need muscle for this."

"Not...the reason...I"

"Ah, need help asking a girl out?"

"Mal's a dragon!" Carlos snapped, finally able to regain his breath. Sure he had run a lot on the Isle and yeah he was a Tourney player but he'd never run that fast in his life. Fear was a powerful motivator and in this case, he had every right to be afraid.

"Yeah, we know," Jay said, frowning slightly. "She's Maleficent's daughter. Everyone knows this 'Los."

Carlos groaned. "Not that kind of dragon you idiot! I mean a fire breathing, scaly, treasure hoarding, person barbecuing, cow dishonoring, dragon!"

"You mean—?"


"How is she—?"

Carlos groaned. "We don't have time for me to tell you the story so details to follow. All I know is Jay, you're the only person I can think of that can get Mal to turn back."

"What about Ben?"

"He's got king stuff to take care of to quote Lonnie. I wouldn't want to bother him."

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