Chapter three

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We sat down around the table Jj and pope sat next to each other. Rafe sat next to me and on my other side was hazel.

"So who's your hitch hiker friend?" Chris asked with a smirk

"My friend Pope." I smiled

"So no boyfriend?"

"No I don't have a boyfriend" I laugh

"That's a shame" he laughed

"Why I get to keep my options opened" I joke

"Her and Rafe are getting to be close, I bet you they'll start dating soon enough" marshal wiggled his brows

"Marshal.. shut up!" I said kicking him under the table

"Mom she kicked me"

"He made me mad plus he deserved it." I smirk making Marsh roll his eyes

"Auntie y/n's friend said the same thing" hazel said with a smile

"Hazel, you're not helping my case, remember he said he was joking." I lied just trying to get her to agree

"He wasn't joking!" She yelled getting angry

"So you do have a boyfriend?" Chris raised his brows

"I don't have a boyfriend! How about you ask Miki about her love life instead of mine." I smile

"Y/n! We all know I'm single"

"Nope you're talking to like 20 guys at the same time."

"You did the same thing! That's how you make your friends, but they all just end up in love with you."

"You're not wrong, that's how I met Harlon" I giggle (Har-Lynn)

Harlon was my best friend I met on Snapchat. He lived in Michigan, near my family's lake house. We've been friends for two years.

"Harlon?" Chris and Nicole asked in sync

"He's one of my best friend, he lives in Michigan. We met on Snapchat, he's also not in love with me" I explain

"But you're in love with him?"

"Ha no she's in love with somebody else" jj laughed

"Jj! You said you'd keep it a secret!"

"Hey I didn't say who it was" he defended himself

"Ohh tell us who he is" they all said

"I can't do that, and I won't"

After a long humiliating dinner. Pope, And Rafe left Jj was staying the night again . I went into my room setting up my bed. I was going to let the kids sleep in my bed and Jj and I would sleep on the floor. I had a queen sized bed so it was big enough.
We all went to bed. I was then woken up to my phone ringing. I was barely awake but checked it anyway. It was Rafe, seeing his name appear on my screen made me worry. I picked it up quickly

"Rafe? Are you okay?" I whisper with concern in my voice

"I-I need help y/n." His voice was worrying

"Rafe, I'm getting up now are you at your house."

"Yeah.. my dads on me again"

"Okay hold on. I need to get shoes." I laugh trying to get him to calm down a little.

"Y/n? What are you doing?" Jj asked waking up

"Nothing I'm heading to Sarah's, her and topper got into a fight" I said lying

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