The Night Shift (Shay x The Twins)

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The headlights of Shay's car dimly illuminated the side of the building she had just pulled up to, the dull color of the bricks seeming to absorb the light that did touch it.

A pizza place.

That's where she had decided to work for the summer.

From what she had read, it didn't seem to pay as well, nor did it seem...hygienic, for lack of a better word. Despite her reluctance, she stepped out of her car, using the light from her phone to illuminate a walkway in the parking lot. It was the only job that was open, after all. Plus, how bad could it be?

She stepped up to the door , fumbling with the keys for a moment before getting them in the slot. She turned them to the side, before opening the worn-down door. It creaked open, the only light inside the building being the glow of the street light from outside.

She shut the door behind her, the building becoming dark once again. She reached to the light switch next to her, flicking it up and down with no results. She let out a sigh.

"Ugh...just perfect..."

She groaned, pulling her phone from her pocket and turning on her flashlight. The light lit up the room in front of her, which she could now see clearly.

It was a dining room, one that was littered with tables that were wrapped with spotted colorful patterns, along with equally eye-catching party hats. It was wide open, the only light illuminating the area being the flashlight on Shay's phone.

As she cautiously stepped into the dining area, she looked over to the stage. For some odd reason, it was empty. The only thing that was there was a note. Shay just shrugged, walking over and picking it up.


"Substitutes? I've never seen any substitute performers here." Shay thought out loud.

She decided not to think about it too much, tucking the note in her pocket and heading backdoor for her new assigned duties. She fell back in her seat, letting out a sigh as she kicked her feet up on the desk.

"This job is a total joke." She snorted. "I gotta watch over a pizza place when the robots aren't even there?" She took a sip of the soda on the desk. "Not that they'd matter of course..." She mindlessly flipped through the camera feed, trying to kill time. Her face seemed to curl into a disgusted frown, as she looked back at the soda cup. "Ew, it's flat."

A loud crash rang out through the restaurant from the back room, as a spare, empty animatronic head fell to the floor.

"Nice going, dumbass." A male voice spat from the corner. The voice belonged to a dark brown bunny, who's emerald green eyes pierced the darkness of the room.

"It isn't my fault my tail is so big!" Another male voice retorted, the other figure seeming to be a white fox.

"Oh, cool, they're speaking." Shay rolled her eyes. "Wait...they're WHAT?!"

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