On The Clock (William Afton x Reader)

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Your eyes grew heavy as you mindlessly flipped through the cameras, surveying the children screaming and running throughout the halls of the shithole you had been assigned to keep track of. The day had gone by at an agonizingly slow pace, your hands idly tapping the desk to keep yourself from going insane with boredom.

Aside from the children, your only other task was to watch the robot performers that would alternate between the stage and the main dining area. They had some stupid name, but you couldn't be bothered to remember the specifics.

Eventually, the sight of one of the animatronic performers leaving the main area was enough to catch your eye, flipping through the cameras in a momentary panic before a shadow appeared at the door next to the office you sat in.


Without even processing what the figure had said, you slammed the door shut as you just barely caught my breath.

"That's no way to treat your boss."

You opened your eyes as as soon as you realized you weren't dead, taking a second to think before opening the door.

"What about my boss?"

"Uh, y'know...me?" He corrected you natter-of-factly, removing the head of the golden rabbit that had been lurking at your door a few moments prior, shaking his head in a disapproving manner.

"Jesus. You need to tell me when you're coming here to say hi, or something." You grumbled furiously. "Or at least add a window. That whole hallway is a complete blind spot. I can't see shit out there when that door is closed."

He seemed to think over your words momentarily, but shrugged them off as he reevaluated. "Last I checked, I was in charge here. Don't tell me how to do my job."

"Yeah, so sorry." I retorted with a hint of annoyance, scowling at his aggressive approach. Way to keep employees.

"I do need to say however, you need to make sure customers are more well accounted for. Ever since the whole-"

You cut him off rather quickly, clearly not being interested in a refresher on what had transpired. "Yeah, I know. Missing kids." The sentence nearly scorched your throat as it left you.

The entire atmosphere of the Fazbear Entertainment chain had been dire as of late. Multiple children missing, all the while no leads having surfaced.

"Right, right." He cleared his throat, taking a moment to remove his glasses and clean them off. "I know you're aware, but just keep it in mind. Y'know, working with more efficiency and that kind of thing."

The silver highlights of William's hair gleamed against the harsh office lighting, which wasn't helped by the glare of his spectacles. He held the appearance of a senior compared to your peers, which gave him a sense of authority. Boss or not.

"It's just sick, you know?" You spoke up, shutting the door behind you as to not taint the damaged company's image even further. "I just can't fathom how someone would, let alone could do that." In spite of your lack of direct involvement, the case most definitely seemed to spark something.

"Well, we don't exactly have any leads currently." William spoke up as he leaned against the cramped office wall. "Theres no definitive way to determine whether it was a homicide or an accident of sorts."

"Five missing children seems a little too dire to be an accident." You spoke up, still feeling the rage and injustice boiling over. It was unfair. Sickening.

Although, your aggression would soon be interrupted with the feeling of a touch on your shoulder.

"I know. It's a difficult time for everyone." He frowned, a glimmer of sincerity shining through his rather corporate exterior. "I'm here if you ever need to speak to someone. You do not need to grieve alone."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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