001: oculi

71 6 1

I have seen those dark eyes reach into my soul

My heart is full of ecstasy; my mind is pale and stunned

With each look and word and breath I am now whole

Yet I fear to utter even one word; if they know I shall be shunned

With thunder and wild winds and bright shining stars

And ravens and lilies and yonder great glittering sea

I have not been entrapped with fetters, nor with bars

You are my saving grace, the one to unlock, the key

And still I wonder if I am wrong; still I fear that all is false

For I have seen what has occurred when one has hope

Yet I know that if anything, those eyes are no farce

Those eyes that strive to kill me with desire shall also make me cope

Now I have no fear; now I dread no evil

Though you are my death, you are still my retrieval.

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