006: mundi

32 4 2

Naught which I see in the eye of my mind
May realise and appear afore the noble sun;
There is no greater reality than I have designed,
Of a more furious world than mine there is none;

Of lavender skies and jaundiced sea have I spun,
Of azure vines and rosy earth have I seen;
Yet all my musings are but false, ne'er to be won,
In my mind all lie as art that yon true earth cannot glean;

Here the eye of heaven doth not shine a breathless green,
Here the monstrous hills lie slate 'gainst vast eternity;
Yet perchance the earth doth lie; perchance my eyes are screen'd,
Perchance my unknown world lies in sempiternity;

This bleak land is but a farce, 'tis false and new;
The ancient earth is mine, the beautiful and the true.

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